Last Night On Earth

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Tres POV

I woke up before Billie did. I walked down to the kitchen and began to make Billie breakfast. While I was cooking I phoned up Mike and asked if he would come over and help clean the outside of Billie's house. He was happy to come over and help. We're lucky to have Mike as a friend. Just as I had finished cooking Billie's French toast, I felt two arms wrap around my waist.

"Now, how am I suppose to bring you breakfast in bed if you're not in bed." I teased him.

"I only want to be in bed if you're in it with me." Billie said, as he kissed my shoulder. I always forget how tiny he is. I turned around and kissed him passionately. Billie lifted his leg up to my waist. I took it and picked him up. Billie wrapped both his legs around my waist and slid his tongue in my mouth. Billie started to lift my shirt up when we both heard someone cough. We pulled our faces away and saw Mike eating a piece of French toast with his hands.

"Mornin." He said with a smile.

I quickly put Billie down and awkwardly laughed.

"Breakfast and a show. Thanks guys." Mike said sarcastically.

"Want syrup with that?" I asked.

We sat down at Billie's table and ate breakfast together.

"After breakfast, Mike and I are going to clean outside." I told Billie.

"Great, I'll help too."

Mike shook his head. "No Bill. Let Tre and I do this. You stay here and relax. Read a book, play guitar, or whatever."

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Absolutely." I told him.

"We might also want to swing by your house, Tre." Mike said quietly.

"Seriously?" I asked.

Mike nodded.

I put my face in my hand and sighed. Mike pulled out his phone from his pocket and cleared his throat nervously.

"Look guys, I know this is hard on you. So, I did something."

Mike slide us the phone and looked away quickly. Billie and I looked at his phone, it was opened to Mike's twitter account. I began to choke on my bacon as I read what Mike tweeted. It was the photo of him kissing "Amanda." The caption said, "Got a pretty stellar blowjob from this guy not too long ago. Guess we're all little gay."

Billie and I looked up at Mike completely stunned.

Mike smiled and said, "Now we're all in the same boat."


It took Mike and I four and a half hours to get rid of all the toilet paper, egg yolks and replace the broken window. We couldn't scrub the spray paint off, so we had to just paint the door. After that Mike and I drove to my house to see the damage. It looked worse than Billie's house. Someone had spray painted penises all over the walls. There were toilet paper and eggs everywhere. Someone had even gotten two dolls that looked like us and hung them from a tree with a noose. Mike and I stared out his car window, too stunned to get up.

"Mike, I don't even want to look at this." I said after a long silence.

Miked nodded. "Maybe you should just move in with Billie. I can drop you off and get your stuff on my own."

"Yeah, that might be a good idea." I admitted. "Can it wait till tomorrow?"

"Yeah, of course." Mike said.

We backed out of the driveway and headed back to Billies. Mike dropped me off at the door and backed out the driveway. He wanted to get some pizzas and movies for us.

I walked in the house and looked for Billie. 
"Pretty boy?" I called out, but I couldn't find him.

I walked into the living room and found empty beer cans, but no Billie. Not good. Finally I went upstairs and noticed the bathroom door was closed.

I knocked, "Billie? Are you in there?"

No answer.

"Billie, you're starting to freak me out. Are you in there?"

Still nothing. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I began to think about the worst possible outcome and started banging on the door harder.

"Billie Joe!" I screamed.

I took a step back and threw myself at the door. One of the hinges came off and I was able to pull the door open. Billie was sitting in the corner with his knees up to his face, quietly crying. I ran to him and dropped to the floor.

"No Tre. Don't... I don't want you to see..." It was too late. I had already pulled his arms away from him and saw the scars. I kissed his arms and began to wrap them in toilet paper. Billie kept staring at his feet. He didn't want to look at me. I pulled Billie into my arms and began to rock him.

"Don't be ashamed Billie, I'll never judge you. Can you tell me what triggered this?" I asked.

Billie began to cry, "I was reading but it wasn't enough to distract me. I phoned my Mom but she wouldn't pick up, I left her six voicemails. Finally my stepdad picked up and told me that I wasn't apart of the family anymore." Billie began to cry harder. I pressed him to my heart and kept rocking him.

"I don't know what to do anymore, Tre. I can't be with people and I can't be alone. I don't know how to be anymore."

We sat on the bathroom floor in silence for what felt like hours. When Billie had calmed down a little, I asked him if he wanted to read together. Billie shook his head. He was worse than I had thought. How can I help him? As I held Billie I realized he wasn't the one who was broken. When Billie and I were together it was the happiest he'd been in so long. Now that everyone was telling him it was wrong, he was sad again.

"Billie, did you read the story about the two idiots who moved down west?" I asked.

"Tre, I don't want to read something right now."

"I think you'll like this one, trust me." I reassured him.

Billie took a deep breath. "Ok. No, I haven't read it, Tre."

"Oh, it's a fucking marvelous adventure." I told him. "You see, there's these two idiots who had known each other since they were teens. They shared the same awareness of the absurdity of their environment and knew they could make something of themselves. One day the idiot realized he was in love and he was so afraid that he ignored it."

"Than what happened?" Billie asked.

"He finally got over himself and kissed that pretty idiot." I said with a laugh.

Billie smiled, "I think I have read this story. Do they live happily ever after?" He asked.

"No. At least, not in this chapter. You see they were trapped in this little town, that just couldn't handle how big they had become. So, the headed west, to a town that was big enough for them. They bought a little house with a garage, where they could watch their precious Mike grow old. And they loved him, and each other so much."

Billie smiled, "Tre, what are you saying?"

"I'm saying, did you ever think that maybe the problem isn't us? That maybe this town is just too small. Let's move somewhere that you'd be happy to come home to at the end of a tour. Let's build a life together." I told him.

Billie thought for moment and than asked, "There's nothing left for us here, is there?"

I shook my head.

"Do you think Mike would come with us?" Billie asked.

"I hope so." I told him.

Billie smiled and kissed me gently.

"Ok. Let's go write our own adventure" He told me.

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