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[Please proceed to listen to the song on the side. It matches the chapter... Kind of.]

"The cold winds of insecurity... hadn't shredded the dreamy chrysalis of his childhood. He was still immersed in the dim, wet wonder of the folded wings that might open if someone loved him; he still hoped, probably, in a butterfly's unthinking way, for spring and warmth. How the wings ache, folded so, waiting; that is, they ache until atrophy." ---Harold Brodkey



Innocent of Darkness



Unknown POV

The swing swished from back and worth slowly as I watched the other children play with their friends. I played with the sleeves of my green sweater nervously, wishing that one of them would approach me and ask if I would like to play.

But that hasn't happened ever. I'm left alone, always.

I usually stayed in the classroom with the teacher but she had urged me to go outside and play with the other children. I put my head down letting my hair hang over my face. The sounds of the laughter from my classmates rang loudly in my ear.

I shut my eyes and my eyes began to water. Who would want to play with me?

"...Is this swing taken?" A quiet voice asked. I raised my head and met face to face with a boy, who looked no older than me. He was staring right at me with a small smile on his face. His hair laid messy on his head while small strips of white ran down. The rest of his hair was black.

I would know, my mother taught me my colors!

I felt my face grow hot. What was this feeling?

"N-No..." I stuttered.

The boy sat down on the swing next to me, even though there were two others. I bit the inside of my cheek as we swung in silence. Even though someone finally approached me, he wasn't from our school it seemed.

"My name is...Lyric." He said with a little pause. "What's your name?" he asked, brighting up after saying his name. I avoided his gaze and mumbled out my name.

It didnt matter if I mumbled it, he still heard my name.

"Skylar is it? ...Let's play a game?"

I lifted up my head in shock. He asked... To play a game? B-but... What about--

"Sky... I want to play with you... No one else." Lyric put heavy emotion into the last four words of his sentence. He stood up and held out his hand for me to take.

"...Sky..." Lyric said, testing the nickname. I felt myself going hot again from my neck and it traveled to my face. "Let's play... as friends..."

"...Honey?" Mommy asked with a smile. It was kinda strange which had me worried.  It wasn't like her usual free smiles she gave me.

"Yeah, mommy?" I asked with a smile back at her.

"Who were you playing with out in the yard with?" Mommy asked, the strange smile never fading from her face.

"Lyric~ My new best friend!" I gushed, prancing around the kitchen.

"Really...? Could I meet him?" Mommy asked with a grin. I nodded, returning her grin. I grabbed her arm and pulled her to the backyard where I left Lyric. I pulled her right up to the side of Lyric. He turned towards me and smiled brightly.

"Okay, where is he?" Mommy asked, looking around. I let go of her hand abnd gave her a confused look.

He's right there... "Mommy... He's right there..." I gestured towards the spot in front of her.

Her mouth corners dipped downwards as she looked at me. Why couldn't Mommy see Lyric, my best and only friend.

"Hey, I have to go back home..." Lyric stated, the grin that I was used to seeing had disappeared. I nodded and pulled away from my mother's side.

"...Bye... Lyric..."


Welcome. I hope you enjoyed. Please proceed to listen [If you haven't already] to the song to the side since it's called "Innocence". Originally... This chapter wasn't even... Thought of... But because of this beautiful song... Here it is! ^_^


~KitVote | Comment | Fan = Smile on my face <3

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