Chapter 4

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-Nico's Pov-

I sighed and wiped my tears away as i leaned against a tree,  why.....why must i be like this? ever since bianca died..... i was supposed to hate percy jackson yet it was the exact opposite. 

"Hey Nicky boy!!!" I hear and i grunt and turn my head and see Leo running towards me, "" I snarled and he holds his hands up "Sorry, Jason just told me to check on you" Leo explains and new anger flares inside me "PISS OFF" I growled and clenched my fist and Leo widens his eyes "Look Neeks, i just wanna help kaaayyyy???" He says chuckling and i resist the urge to smile.

Yes i admit Leo's pretty funny, but he's not my type. " Don't call me neeks. but fine." I grumbled and ran my hand through my hair and Leo chuckles "No problem nicky boy!!!" and i snarled and punched his stomach sending him fall on his butt, wheezing and gasping for breath "Ow!! okay okay! sorry" Leo says still gasping and i smirk in satisfaction, "Okay Nico I'm going to say random words and you say the first thing that pops into your head okay?" He says and i roll my eyes "What are you? a doctor?" I smirk and he grins and fixes his goggles on his head in a proffesional manner "Yes! dr.Leo is here!" And i roll my eyes and wave my hand "Just get on with it".

"Okay! uhmm RED"


"Okay.....uhm, Friends"


"wow...okay uhm, Trust"


"Seriously dude?! next: Sword"



"Heart break"

Leo looked at me with wide eyes "You seriously have a negative view of the world", I shrug in a i-dont-care way and Leo sighs "I honestly don't know what to do". 

"I figured" I say coldly and walk away.

-Leo's PoV-

Woah what's up with him?! Seriously he scared me...very much. and my gut still hurts from his punch, luckily i wrote down all he said and i walked back to Jason.

"Dr.Leo Valdez here to report back! Sir!" I said and mocked saluted and Jason rolls his eyes "Whatever Valdez. just give me the results" i hand the paper to him and he read all and i can tell by his eyes that he was troubled "Wow.... Nico needs help" Jason says looking up from the paper with troubled eyes.

"Pfft what are you gonna do? show up in a superman costume and yell: Never fear! Jason is here!" I cracked up laughing and Jason shoots me a hard look. "Whatever Valdez" and he walks away.

"Ouch..." I mutter under my breath

-Nico's PoV-

I walk around camp and saw Percy and annabeth kissing in the sword arena. a pang of jealousy and pain hits my chest like a knife. it felt like somebody cutting a long wound on my chest and then putting salt in. yeah it hurt like that only 5000 times worse.

I clenched my fist and hardened my eyes and walked away,

several minutes later i walked to the lake and saw annabeth and percy sitting on the sand. rubbing their noses together. they both had lovesick looks in their eyes, i felt tears spring to my eyes and i quickly run away and wipe it away.

about an hour later i saw percy and annabeth kissing....again. i grit my teeth and walked away again. the pain in my chest was getting worse and worse the more i saw them i just want to DIE!!

Sorry the update is short :I and just as a warning i might end this story in chapter 10. and here this is a very super awesome link that could me a percy and annabeth and nico song:

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