Chapter #10

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Hi everyone! so this is the last chapter *sniffle*

-Jason's PoV-

It's been about...4 years now from Nico's death, and since he died Percy and i were never quite the same.... we'd usually zone out or sometimes were were pute black. Leo wasn't here at the moment says he's looking for someone named 'Calypso' 

Percy and Annabeth had gotten married (Percy and Annabeth is both 21)

Frank and Hazel were really strong and sometimes also helps in the wild (Frank and Hazel are 20)

While Pipes and I have also gotten married (We are both 21)

I sigh as i look around camp. Campers were normall bustling around of course. The Ares cabin training, the Apollo cabin trainign and playing basketball "Jason?" Piper asks beside me with a soft smile "yes Piper?" I say and return her smile "Go ahead...i know you want to visit him" she whispers and adds a soft chuckle. "thank you piper" I say with a grin before planting a kiss on her nose and getting up.

I sigh as i walk to the Hades cabin and i stood before it. the black cabin and green lights usually gives me the spooks but now it just seems sad. I opened the door slowly and breath in the smell. it smelled of fries.

I chuckle slightly and open the wardrobe. I saw Nico's toga in there, when he used to stay in Camp Jupiter. I sigh as i see his skeleton shirts and black pants. Then something catches my eye at the side and i pick it up.

It was a peice of paper. "What-?" I say curiosuly as i flip it over and i saw it was actually a picture of Nico...Smiling. I take in a deep breath as i stare at the picture. I recognize it as the time in Hazel's birthday.

-Flash Back-

"Nico come here for the photo!" Annabeth called from inside the Argo 2 "NOPE!" His voice yelled back from the mast. Percy and I chuckle "Pleaseeeee" Came from Leo making Piper laugh because Leo said it in a kiddie way.

"DEFINETELY NOT" Nico yells back "Please Nico? for me?" Hazel says and that does it.

Several long seconds later Nico walks in with a scowl in his face but his eyes were twinkling "whatever. i hate you guys" He snaps "No ya don't" Percy and I shot at the same time "ok guys SMILE! even you Nico" Annabeth says/orders.

"CHEESE!" We all say and smile brightly as she snaps the picture. and that was probably the first time i saw Nico smile.

-End of flash-

I blink from the flash back and i felt a single tear roll down my cheeks. I sniffle and wipe it away. "I'm sorry Nico. i wanted you to have a long happy life, look where THAT got you huh?" I say not even feeling the slightest stupid in talking to a picture.

"Yeah i agree" Came a familiar voice behind me and i quickly turn around. and saw the ghost...HIS ghost.

The ghost of Nico di Angelo.

"What-how" I say wide eyed and the picture flutters down from my grasp "This is the Hades Cabin after all" Nico says calmly "Right" I chuckle "Nico i;m sor-" I begin to say but he holds up his hands "Don't need to apologize...I'm happy here, don't Beat yourself up, tell that to percy as well. i finally get to see my sister" Nico says and a slight smile plays on his face as he vanishes.

-2 years later-

"Daddy!" My Son Jasper says i turn to him with a small smile "Yes son?" I chuckle as he looks up at me, arms outstretched and i grunt and pick him up "Daddy why do you look sad when you look at the black scary building?" Jasper asks, 

"I'm just remembering a Friend Son" I say calmly ruffling his hair "Daddy can we go shopping later? Please please?!" My son says "What? Outside camp's borders?" I say raising an eyebrow "Yeah! Uncle Percy can come too!!" Jasper says with a bleeding smile.

"Fine but we have to bring Percy's daughter aswell" I say with a pointed look "No! I don't want Bianca to come!! She's always beating me in my games!" Jasper complains "Bianca comes or we don't go at all" I say with a teasing smirk "FIIIINE" Jasper whines hittign me on the top of my head and i chuckle and put him down "Go on and shock your Uncle Percy for me" I whisper in his ear as i see Percy "Sure!" Jasper giggles.

"HI UNCLE PERCY!!" Jasper calls as he runs to Percy "Hi Jasper!" Percy says kindly "BOO!" Jasper says and touches Percy's hand "Ow!" Percy says flinching and i can actualy SEE the shock go through him "Bwahahahhaha" I laugh with a grin.

-At The Mall-

"Come on keep up!!" Little bianca says with a smile as she tugs on her fathers fingers Percy smiles calmly at her "What's the hurry?" I chuckle "I want to go plaaaaay!" Jasper whines "No! we go to the bookstore first!" Bianca says "But-" I cut in and Percy shoots me a glare.

Spoil the kids day it is!! :D WHOOP!!

"Fine" I sigh in defeat "Yay!" Bianca cheers and hugs me , she only reaches inches above my knee's "Fine! THEN we go play okay??" Jasper whines "Okay!!" Bianca smiles and pokes Jasper's nose, Jasper sneezes and i chuckle.

Finally after buying about 25 books we make it to the game place "What do you want to play first?" I ask my son.

After 20 minutes of playing Jasper and Bianca walk towards us but this time they were with a third companion. this kis was about...3 years old, he had black hair and dark brown eyes and looked shickingly like Nico. i knew Percy thought the same thing judging from the shocked look on his face.

"Daddy!" Jasper and Bianca says at the same time "Meet our new friend!" Jasper says pointing at the boy "Yeah! but he is so silent though!" Bianca says but with a giggle.

"Hello" I say kindly kneeling down so i only towered over the kid a little bit "H-hi" He stutters shyly, Percy kneels down beside me "what's your name little boy?" Percy asks with a smile.

"Nick....My name is Nick" He says, he was also wearign pure black and Percy and i had shocked faces "Uhh... do you like mythomagic?" I ask slowly. Nick nods, yes.

"Who's your favorite?" Percy asks "Hades" Nick mumbles and i widen my eyes.

Nick..... was Nico's Reincarnation.


 To those who wants a sequel. it's already posted on my profile 'Reincarnation is not all'

Correction: No sequel, sorry!! But I might write a Solangelo story (IF you guys want it)

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