~chapter 3~

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I stopped confused about what he said I ignored it and turned around to find a way to escape but.

(End of recap)

Your POV:

I was instantly trapped in the arms of namjoon. "oh my gosh someone help me Alex, mom, jungkook someone". I said in my head even though I know that no one would hear me, but you never know maybe the gods above could help me.

Namjoon: "what did you call me would you like to repeat that". He asked like if he didn't know what I said.

Y/n: "what did I call you". I asked with a confused expression.

Then suddenly I get lifted off of the ground, thrown on his bed and gets attacked with tickles I laughed like their was no tomorrow while trying to get out of his grip.

Y/n: "Please stop!!". I asked trying not to laugh.

Namjoon: "say sorry and I'll stop". He replied.

Y/n: "please I'm sorry.. I'm sorry". I apologies.

thankfully he stopped I sat up on the bed to caught my breath when I caught my breath I look up and playfully gleared at him he just laughed and acted like if he was going to tickle me again but I smacked away his hands to stop him from doing so then I was actually saved by a god, a goddess to be exact.

Mrs Kim: " kids the dinner is ready". She yelled from downstairs.

We walked downstairs and sat at the dining table where our parents were already sitting a few minutes later Alex and jungkook came downstairs and took their sits.

Mom: "we are very thankful to you for letting us have dinner here tonight". She said smiling at Mr and Mrs Kim.

"Yes thank you". Alex and I said at the same time.

Mrs Kim: "no problem don't worry about it". said replied smiling brightly at us.

Mr Kim: "yes it certainly isn't a problem we just thought that you guys just moved so you might've not had food as yet". He also replied.

Mom: "that is very generous of you Mr Kim".my mom said smiling at the nice couple.

Mrs Kim: "oh this is our youngest son jungkook". She said as she pointed at him.

Jungkook: "Nice to meet you miss song". He greeted.

Mom: "you too". She answered with a smile.

Namjoon: "so have you chosen what school you guys are going to". He asked my sister and I.

Y/n: "oh yes we are thinking of going to converse high". I replied.

Jungkook: "oh really that's the high school we attend". He said smiling.

Alex: "wahh really yay". She cheered. "At least I'll have a friend when I start school".

Y/n: "hey what am I a potato". I said waving my fork with baked potato on it in front of her face.

Alex: "huh". She acted like if she didn't hear me and I pouted.

Mrs Kim: "oh my goodness you guys are so cute". She laughed.

Y/n: "thank you". I said covering my face to hide my tomato red face.

Namjoon who was sitting next to me took my hands away from my face and pinched my cheeks smiling at me which made my face even more red.

Jungkook: "wahh you made her face even more red". He said laughing while everyone laughed as well.

Y/n: "my cheeks are very sensitive". I said rubbing it.

Jungkook: "oh if it not to much to ask but how old are you guys". He asked.

Y/n: "oh I'm 18 and Alex is 17 how about you guys". I asked.

Namjoon: "oh I'm also 18 and jungkook is also 17". He replied.

We talked and laughed until we decide to go back home because have to finish packing and get furniture tomorrow, we start School after tomorrow I'm excited yet nervous I'm also happy that I already made some friends.

We thanked them for the meal, walked home got ready for bed and went to sleep but I couldn't go to sleep. I stayed up all night staring at the ceiling in my new bedroom thinking about everything that happened today and about the new people I met and how quickly we became friends I feel very happy and thankful that we moved here because our old home reminds me of my father i stared at the ceiling some more then drifted off to dream Land.

~next morning~

Mom: "get up y/n we have to go and buy some new furniture". My mother yelled from downstairs.

Y/n: "I'm up". I yelled back.

I got up and went straight to my bathroom I first brushed my teeth, took a bath and got dressed I put on some white Converses a black and white striped shirt, a cute short pink skirt and side bag to match.

I went downstairs only to be mesmerized by the smell of food I walked into the kitchen and saw Mrs Kim sitting at the dinning table.

Y/n: "goodmorning everyone". I greeted and sat at the table.

Mrs Kim: "good morning". She greeted me.

Alex : "good morning". She greeted as she put some food into her mouth.

Y/n: "why are you here Mrs Kim". I asked while getting up to take some food and sat back down at the dinning table.

Mrs Kim: "I didn't have anything to do at home today so I'm joining you on you're shopping trip to get some furniture". she answered with a smile.

Y/n: "oh that would be great". I replied smiling back at her.

Alex: "okay I'm going to get ready". She said leaving the room because she was dressed to go out as yet.

Mom: "okay be quick". She told Alex.

Alex: "okay mom". She shouted back.

I ate my breakfast along with Mrs Kim because she didn't eat her breakfast as yet we ate breakfast together and talked about random things, I got to know her really well I think she is really fun to talk to and she is becoming like a mom to me I've also noticed that her and my mother have became friends really quickly.

We finished breakfast and Mrs kim took us to a furniture store not to far from our neighborhood.

~skip to the furniture store~

Alex: "oh can I get this chair for my room". She asked jumping around excitedly.

Mom: "ahh yes let's ask for the price". She said walking up to a store employee.

Mrs Kim: "um... Sir do you know the price of this chair". She asked an employee.

The employee told us about the price, we bought a lot of other things. then we went to buy some school supplies for high school and some new clothes because you can wear any outfit you want.

We went home and put all the furniture in position and we finished packing our other things that we brought with us and Mrs Kim helped us she finished unpacking our stuff we ate some snacks and then she went home because it was getting late It was quite fun hanging out with Mrs Kim.

We said good night took a shower brushed our teeth went to sleep.

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