~chapter 16~

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Your POV:

Lilly and Emma left the hospital because Lilly had family members coming to her house and Emma had to get some work done, Namjoon then came back to my room and said that I was free to leave he helped me to the car and we made our way home.

It was comfortably quite until Namjoon broke the quite atmosphere.

Namjoon: "rose and her group moved schools so you don't have to worry about them anymore". He said with a small smile on his face.


Y/n: "okay". I simply answered.

He looked into my eyes, taking my hands in his.

Namjoon: "I'm happy that they're no longer in our school because that means that they can't hurt you anymore and I don't want that to happen I don't want to see you get hurt".he said rubbing his thumb on my hands soothingly.

Wow he's like a real life fairy tale prince he's nice, caring and handsome.

He suddenly started blushing.

And he even looks cute when he blushes.

Namjoon: "um thanks".


Oh my gawd did I say that out loud.

I started blushing like mad I let go of his hands and looked out the window trying to hide my face before I die of embarrassment .

We drove into the driveway and I Immediately took off my seat belt and opened the door rushing to get out of the car.

I got pulled back into the car by my wrist I didn't dear to look at him I was to embarrassed about what I said earlier to even think of doing so.

He grabbed my face gentle turning it to face him.

Namjoon: "I think you're cute too, god damn it you're beautiful". He said to me smiling brightly.

I blushed, looking down to hide my tomato colored cheeks.

He raised up my chin looking into my eyes.

Namjoon: "don't hide your face, you look cute when you blush princess". He said smiling.

My face flushed bright red.

Oh my!, he called me princess, snap out of it y/n I have to find a way out here before I pop like a big bright red balloon...

Yes I got it.

Y/n: "uh_ um it's getting late i think w_ we should head inside".I stuttered looking away.

Namjoon: "oh yes". He said getting out of the car.

Good job y/n you go girl. I mentally high fived myself.

I quickly got out of the car, Immediately shutting the door.

Namjoon: "have a good night princess". He said as he bid me good night.

Y/n: "good night". I said waving at him and then entering into my house.

Get your self together song y/n. I said to myself.

I slumped on the door mentally slapping myself for what I said ughhh why do I gotta be so embarrassing.

Mom: "oh you're home are you feeling better". My mother said as she saw me standing in front of the door.

Y/n: "yes I'm fine mom". I said to her with a reassuring smile.

Mom: "thank goodness you're okay, I just don't understand tsk tsk girls these days are so full of themselves ". She said shaking her head.

Y/n: "oh who told you about it". I asked confused.

Mom: "Alex of course". She said going back upstairs to her room.

"Oh". Obviously y/n, I looked up at the ceiling slowly pulling myself together.

Y/n: "good night Mom".I said going back to my own room.

Mom: "Same for you sweetie". She said before she closed her bedroom door.

~time skip brought to you by black haired BTS~

(A/n: my weave was snatched when I saw them I swear)

I woke up Immediately checking my phone for the time, my eyes enlargened as I looked at the time on my phone.

"Shoot I'm gonna be late". I mummered getting out of my bed not even bothering to fix it.

I rushed into my bathroom removing and throwing clothes everywhere as I go, I quickly hopped into the bathroom and started bathing, surprisingly my cuts didn't sting I guess they healed. 

I quickly finished bathing, ran into my bedroom and threw on anything that caught my eyes.

I grabbed my backpack and headed straight for the kitchen.

I was greeted by my sister happily eating breakfast in her sleeping clothes, I stopped rushing and stood there looking at her confused.

She slowly lifted her head noticing my parents and then she started choking on her cereal.

"What". I asked confused looking at my outfit.

Oh god no . I mentally facepalmed.

I was wearing a bright green beach bra that showed under my white stained tea shirt pink ruffily shorts. Eww why'd I ever buy these. And two different shoes on either feet ....oops.

"Aww darn it now I'm gonna be extra late for school". I asked dropping my bookbag.

Alex: "SCHOOL, ahahahaha did you really just say school". She said laughing hysterically.

She  stopped laughing coming closer to me, she placed her hand and my shoulder.

Alex: "oh honey were on summer break". She said to me tilting her head.

Y/n: "really, how could I forget". I replied grabbing my bag and going back into my room and changed into something decent.

How stupid can I be, I seriously forgot about summer break.

I walked back into the kitchen grabbed something to eat and talked to Alex about my cuts, how mom's doing at work and what we plan on doing for our summer break.

Which is absolutely nothing, just sit around in our house all day, great two and a half months to do absolutely nothing how fun .... Note the sarcasm.

I finished my breakfast, went back to my room and played some games on my phone.

Alex ran into my room, I looked at her confused as to why she was running.

Alex: "......

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