~chapter 14~

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Your POV:

I'm now laying down in my comfy bed trying to fall asleep but that isn't working my mind is just playing over the scene that happened at the park, oh my gosh he paid for my ice cream, he cleaned my face for me and he was looking at me like I was the most precious thing to him.

"Is this real". I whispered softly to myself.

"Nahh this is just a dream". I whispered again denying that it really happened.

"He is so cute and nice and caring and..... Oh my gosh am I getting feeling for him". I said to myself.

"Nahhh,.....but he is sooo good looking too". I say again.

I started getting frustrated and screamed into my pillow.

"Oh my gosh I do like him but I've never liked someone before what am I going to do". I whisper to my self once more before I slowly drifted off to sleep.

~the next day~

~rinng ringg~

I woke up by my alarm clock how splendid.
Note the sarcasm.

"Uhhg". I groaned lazily sitting up and turning off my alarm clock.

I walked to my bathroom not taking a look at my self in my full length mirror because that would be a horror movie waiting to happen, I wash my face and brush my teeth finally taking a look at my self in the mirror above the sink.

"Did I wrestle an alligator or something". I asked my self looking at my hair.

I combed out my hair with my fingers as I made my way downstairs heading straight towards the kitchen.

As I was about to open the fridge to get a glass of water I noticed a sticky note stuck on the fridge door.

I pulled it off, rubbing my eyes before starting to read it.

Dear girls,

I went to work earlier in the morning I didn't make breakfast so eat cereal or cook whatever you want to.

- mom

I shrugged my shoulders before going to the cabinet and talking out some cereal and getting milk, eating in the most dead like way ever.

Alex: "morning y/n". My sister greeted as she walked into the kitchen.

Y/n: "morning Alex mom went to work early and she said to eat cereal or something". I greeted walking to the sink and placing my bowl.

Alex: "oh okay". She said before Getting some cereal from the cabinet.

Y/n: "so how was the movie with tTaehyung and Jungkook". I asked while washing my bowl and putting it away.

Alex: "it was great Jungkook and Taehyung are really fun to be around". She said smiling.

Y/n: "okay that's nice to hear, um I'm going to get ready for school so don't take to long and clean up after you've finished eating". I said.

Alex: "yeah yeah, mom go on already". She said playfully shooing me away.

I sent her a playful glare at her before heading up to my room and immediately taking a shower, after taking a shower I decided on what to wear and choose this:

I sent her a playful glare at her before heading up to my room and immediately taking a shower, after taking a shower I decided on what to wear and choose this:

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