~chapter 21~

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Your POV:

We headed home, Alex went over to Jungkook's house to play some game he got called fortnite and I was in my room playing a game on my phone.

My head started to get dizzy so I decided to go for a walk to the park across the street.

I threw on a hoodie and some jeans grabbed one of my sneakers and headed off.

~at the park~

I was sitting on a swing, silently enjoying the cold breeze that blew on my face it was peaceful and quiet and there weren't many people in the park .

"Y/NNN". Someone said shaking me out of know where I got scared and screamed hopping off of the swing.

I spun around to see who had the nerve to scare me like that, to my surprise I was greeted by min Yoongi's gummy smile, my eyes widened in a shock .

Y/n: "where the bloody hell did you come from". I asked not please with the way he approached me.

Yoongi: "sorry y/n I was going to my favorite spot in the park until I noticed you sitting on the swing so I decided to surprise you". He explained apologizing.

Yoongi: ".... Surprise". He said awkwardly shaking his hands in the air.

Y/n: "oh I'm surprised alright". I said throwing a death glare at him.

Yoongi: "she hasn't changed a bit". He whispered under his breath.

Y/n: "pardon?". I asked puzzled as it sounded like he said something but I didn't hear clearly.

(A/n: ParDoN!!)

Yoongi: "nothing, oh come on don't kill me with your eyes, why don't you come with me to my favorite spot".he asked pulling me to wherever he was going without even listening for an answer.

I was gonna say yes anyways. Mentally rolls eyes.

He brought me to a part of the park where no people were it was quite and it was absolutely breathe taking.

Y/n: "wow". I gasped in astonishment as I took in the beautiful scenery.

Yoongi: "I know right it's so breathe taking". He admitted looking at me with that little gummy smile.

He pulled me over to a spot under a tree that was surrounded by flowers.

Yoongi: "this is my favorite spot, under this tree". He said sitting under the tree and I joined him as he did.

Y/n: "but why is this your favorite spot out of all the spots in the park?". I asked as curiosity struck me.

Yoongi: "well it's not my favorite spot because of it's view it's my favorite spot because it reminds of of someone I knew when I was younger". He explained gazing at the beautiful scenery.

Y/n: "why does it remind you of the person? What's they're name? Are you still in touch with that person?". I bombarded him with questions.

Yoongi: "you ask a lot of questions you know". He said taking away his gaze from the park and turning it to me.

Y/n: "well, I mean if you don't wanna talk about it that's okay as well". I replied feeling like I might have gone to far.

Yoongi: "oh don't worry, I actually want to tell you about it". He said lightly smiling at me.

Y/n: "really". I asked surprised looking at him.

Yoongi: "yeah I trust you". He replied.

Y/n: "you trust me that means so to me". I said smiling brightly.

He got up from where he was sitting and went to pick a flower and brought it back to me.

Yoongi: "here". He said giving it to me.

Yoongi: "this place reminds me of someone I knew the flowers remind me of the person, it reminds me of my best friend i had when I was younger, my best friend was a girl, her father left her at a young age and it was really hard on her, she only told me about it and when she told me I felt like I should protect her she was like a flower to me small and fragile but we sadly lost touch with each other when I moved here". He said explained looking into my eyes.

My eyes teared up when, he told the story I looked at his face and bursted out crying.

It's him it's sugar.

Y/n: "sugar is it you". I asked still unsure of it.

Yoongi: "yes flower, it's me, it's sugar". He said pulling me into his embrace.

Y/n: "I missed you". I whispered hugging him tightly.

Yoongi: "I missed you too my little flower, took you long enough to remember". He said hugging me tighter in his embrace.

Y/n: "I'm sorry Yoongi". I said whipping away my tears.

Yoongi: "it's okay at least you remember now right". He said flashing his gummy smile trying to lighten up the mood.

I smiled back at his actions.

He didn't change one bit huh same old Yoongi trying to make me feel better and protecting me. I thought in my mind while looking at him.

Yoongi: "hey its getting late, let me walk you home". He said standing up and pulling me up as well.

Y/n: "thanks Yoongi". I said as we made our way to my house.

Yoongi: "you can call me sugar if you'd like because I know you liked calling me that". He advised.

Y/n: "okay, sugar". I said smiling brightly at him.

We talked about how things have been since he left, he told me how he and the other members of bts became friends and other random stories that made me laugh.

We arrived in front of my house, I bid him good bye and was about to go back inside until I heard him call out to me.

Yoongi: "y/n". He called out to me.

I turned around to face him waiting for a response.

Yoongi: "I uh like your girl bestfriend Emma do you think she likes me back". He asked shyly rubbing the back of his neck.

Y/n: "why don't you just tell her how you feel and see what she says". I replied cheekily.

Yoongi: "oh come on that was a simple yes or no question". He whined.

Y/n: "sorry sugar make sure you walk home safely". I said rushing into the house slamming the door in his face.

(A/n: sorry bae~ ;] )

Yoongi: "ugh fine, have a good night flower". He groaned making his way home.

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