~chapter 6~

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Emma: "come on let's go to the cafeteria". She said pulling in the direction which I suppose is where the cafeteria is located.

Lilly: "yeah I'm starving". She said rubbing her stomach.

Y/n: "just lead the way". I said because I obviously don't know where any room is because I'm still getting used to the whole new school thing.

(End of recap)

Your POV:

We walked to the cafeteria and as soon as we step foot there lilly and Emma dragged me to where the food was served.

Y/n: "guys slow down the food can wait it doesn't have legs". I told them because they were walking to fast which was a big mistake.

They stopped dead in their tracks and turned to me with wide eyes it almost looked as if their eyes would pop out any minute now.

"Say what now". They both said in union loudly but not to loud to attract attention

You can literally know that they are bestfriends because of how they act with each other.

Emma: "are you kidding me food is life which means food doesn't wait for you just like life doesn't wait for you". She said dramatically with a are you crazy expression on her face.

Lilly: "exactly, what she said". She said nodding her head in agreement with Emma.

Y/n: "you guys are so dramatic". I said laughing.

Emma: "enough chit chat don't forget food doesn't wait". She said and continued to pull me towards the food section.

We got our food and went to sit at some random table and talked about random stuff. To think about it I haven't seen Alex since my first class I wonder how she's getting along.

Emma: "oh my gosh hide". She said hiding her face in her hands.

Y/n: "what?". I asked looking at her weirdly but I guess if I have friends like them their is no such thing as normal.

Lilly: "oh my gosh don't look now but min yoongi is coming this way". She said dramatically.

Y/n: "what's so special about yoongi". I asked confused.

Emma: "are you joking or something he is from a group called BTS which is one of most popular boy groups in this school". She explained to me.

Lilly: "and is also Emma's crush". She said smiling cheekily.

Emma: "I didn't say to announce it to the world". She said covering Lilly's mouth with her hand which Lilly removed.

Lilly: "o-m-g he is literally coming up to us act normal". She said and they both posed weirdly whelp that's the most normal they can get jk they actually acted normal they just ate their food.

Y/n: "I still don't get it". I whispered to them.

"Act normal". They wispered back.

I saw someone's hands rest on the table I looked at the persons face and saw the one and only min yoongi with his super adorable gummy smile Emma is probably melting because of cuteness by now.

Y/n: "oh my gosh it's the min yoongi". I said acting surprised putting my hands over my mouth.

I heard Lilly whisper to me that my acting skills are awful and I tried not to laugh at her remark.

Yoongi: "hi y/n and friends". He said smiling at me and the two girls before taking a sit next me.

Y/n: "hey have you seen my little sister Alex". I asked him.

Yoongi: "yeah she's with the other guys at our table". He said pointing at them.

Y/n: "oh so what do you want". I asked putting some food into my mouth.

Yoongi: "the guys sent me here to ask you if you want to come sit with us  oh and you can bring your friends too". He said standing up.

Y/n: "okay wanna come". I answered and asked the girls they looked at each other and then nodded at me I stood up from my sit and so did lilly and Emma and we walked over to where the others were sitting.

Alex: "hey big sis". She said waving at me as we got closer to the table where they were.

Y/n: "hey Alex". I said sitting down and so did lilly, Emma and yoongi.

Alex: "who are you're friends". She asked pointing at Lilly and Emma.

Y/n: "oh these are my friends Lilly and Emma and this is my little sister Alex". I said introducing them.

Alex: "nice names". She said to them.

Lilly: "thank you your name is nice to". She said smiling at Alex.

Alex: "you're lucky at least you got to make friends all the girls in my class just kept throwing dirty looks at me just because I walked into the class and was talking with jungkook". She said pouting.

Y/n: "oh poor baby". I said acting sorry for.

Emma: "don't worry we can be your friends". She said to Alex.

Alex: "oh my gosh thanks Emma unnie". She said getting up and hugged Emma.

Emma: "no problem". She replied hugging her back.

Lilly: "yeah no problem but how do you guys know bts and y/n knows absolutely nothing about anything in this school". She asked my sister and I.

Y/n: "way to make me sound smart". I said sarcastically.

Alex: "well we moved next to jungkook and namjoon and they introduced us to bts". My sister explained and I just nodded.

Lilly: "really can we like switch lives". She said laughing.

Y/n: "no we can't". I said and continued eating while she just pouted.

Jimin: "Lilly's so cute". He said pointing at her.

I could see her cheeks turn cherry red  and I giggled.

Jimin: "she looks even more cuter when she blushes". He said laughing.

Y/n: "oh my gosh jimin can you not do that I don't want one of my only two friends explode". I said smacking him on the arm playfully.

Jimin: "ouch that hurt". He faked rubbing his arm.

Y/n: "where is namjoon". I asked when I noticed he wasn't at the table.

Jin: "he went to the bathroom". He answered.

Y/n: "oh okay Jin". I said smiling at him.

Jin: "that's oppa to you". He said.

Y/n:"Umhh in your dreams". I replied playfully glearing at him.

Jin: "oh yes you will call me oppa". He said playfully glearing at me.

Jhope: "oh look there he is". He said pointing at namjoon as he walked up to our table.

Namjoon: "hey guys"  he said before sitting next to me.

"Hey". We all really.

Namjoon: "who are they". He asked pointing at the girls.

Y/n: "they are my friends Lilly and Emma". I smiled pointing at them.

Namjoon: "nice to meet you". He said shaking their hands.

???: "Hey Babe". Someone said pulling namjoon out of his seat.

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