~chapter 25~

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I turned around slowly only to make eye contact with Namjoon.

He looked surprised and heartbroken I wonder why?

(End of recap)

Your POV

Y/n: "Namjoon are you okay?". I asked concerned.

Namjoon:" yeah, I'm fine let's go to the cafeteria". He said walking off, and I had to jog to keep up with him.

I wonder what's up with him. I asked myself as I stopped in front the cafeteria.

I'm sure it's nothing. Shaking my head, I made my way over to our table only to find got7 was now sitting with us.

Yoongi:" look it's my best friend!!!". Yoongi yelled as I made my way closer to the table.

"She's ours too!!!". Emma and Lilly yelled at him.

He ignored them, got up from his seat and gave me a bone crushing hug.

Bambam:"I want to hug noona too!!!". Bambam said getting out from his seat and hugged me as well.

We then settled down and started eating our lunch.

Alex:" I asked them to join our table". she said smiling brightly.

"and thank you so much Alex". the leader Jeabum said smiling at Alex.

Which resulted in Taehyung pulling Alex closer to him out of jealousy.

Everyone around the table bursted out with laughter at Tae's actions

we talked, laughed and played around with one another during lunch, it was a lot of fun.

After school Namjoon drove us home, the ride home was rather quiet everyone noticed the atmosphere but no one dared to speak, we got home bid each other goodbye and went into our homes

I wonder why namjoon is behaving this way?

~one month later~

It is now autumn break.

The way Namjoon was behaving hasn't changed but rather has gotten worse, he would ignore me or give me short answers whenever I go over to his house to hang out or at school.

I thought he was just having some personal problems but I've noticed that it was only me he was treating this way, he was treating me very coldly, it was so unlike him, did he not want to be my friend anymore? he really hurt me by the way he's been treating me but I didn't confront him I just left him alone, if he didn't want to talk to me or be friends then let it be.

my feelings for him didn't disappear but rather grew stronger, I started to like him even more which caused me to hurt a lot more.

Emma and Lilly noticed his behavior and offered to talk to him about it but I turned down their offer.

Alex and Jungkook hasn't stopped hanging out or have grown apart they've rather grown closer, which isn't a bad thing, I'm happy that Alex has a bestfriend to hang out with and talk to about anything and my relationship with Jungkook hasn't changed as well, we were still close as we were before, I just stopped going over to their house as often and going to school with them instead I went to school with Bambam the past month we've grown very close, we would hang out all the time and even have sleepovers and I have also became close to his father, Alex has too we were so close with them that they even had extra clothes at our house.

I don't know what happened between Namjoon and I but I hope it changes. 

I miss him.

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