~chapter 22~

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Your POV:

I heard some noise coming from the television in the living room so I decided to check the room to see what's going on in there.

It's probably Alex watching something, but I'll bring a weapon just in case a rubber broke in and decided to watch some television you never know.

I'm Low-key scared.

I grabbed an umbrella in the umbrella holder next to the door.

Okay well maybe low-key was an understatement.

I slowly and quietly entered the room.

so the robber won't hear me creeping up on him...or her.

I'll knock the shit outta them, I'm not evil tho I'm just defending myself :-P.

I stopped in my tracks only to find Alex sleeping upside down on the couch, I immediately dropped the umbrella at the sight.

How is she sleeping like that?

There are empty snack packets on the coffee table and the floor.

Looks like a pig pen, that's nasty.

But she probably fell asleep while watching TV and didn't get to clean up.

I turned off the television and then getting straight to work and cleaned up the mess she made.

Should I just carry her upstairs to her room?? . I asked myself standing in front of her after I had finished cleaning up.

I picked her up on the couch and tried to carry her up to her room but she's so heavy.

How in the world can someone that's so small be so heavy??

Do you think I'll survive this long and tiring journey....... To her room???

I finally reached the top of the mountain.

A.k.a the stairs.

Success :D

(A/n: lazy dramatic ass)

I was intentionally going to lay her down slowly on the bed but my arms gave up on me after carrying her all the way up the stairs and I just dropped her.

Not surprised that she didn't wake up considering the way she was sleeping on the couch, I covered her with a blanket and went back downstairs only to make something for myself before heading to sleep with my true love.

My bed :3.

As I was eating the food I made for myself I heard someone come into the house.

My eyes widened at the thought that it could be a burglar.

Quick grab a knife. I told myself looking at the knife next to the sink.

I quickly and quietly got up from my seat and made my way over to the sink.

Mom: "what you doing kiddo". I heard my mother's voice echo as she spoke.

I swiftly turned around, made eye contact with my mom and Immediately breathing out in relief.

Y/n: "I thought you were a burglar". I said laughing awkwardly going back to where I was sitting.

Mom: "oh, but why aren't you asleep yet". She asked getting herself a glass of water from the fridge.

Y/n: "I took a walk at the park across the street and unexpectedly met up with a friend". I answered her before stuffing my mouth with food.

Mom: "who was the friend you met". She asked out of curiosity sitting next to me.

Neighbor - Kim NamjoonWhere stories live. Discover now