~chapter 20~

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Your POV:

I called Emma and Lilly asking them if they would like to go shopping with Alex and I and they gladly said yes.

I laid out my clothes and anything else I needed and took a nice steamy shower also washing my hair in the process.

I finished taking a shower and got dressed in a pink flowy shirt with don't touch me written on the front, tight black cut up jeans, some black sandals and put my hair up in a messy bun.

When I finished getting ready I grabbed my purse from my desk and walked into the hallway heading towards Alex's room.

As I was about to open the door it opened itself revealing Alex but she didn't see me because she was looking at her phone.

Alex: "I'M READY". She yelled making me cover my ears.

Alex: "oh sorry didn't see you there". She said smiling sheepishly.

I playfully glared at her as we made our way downstairs.

Y/n: "who are you texting your boyfriend". I joked nudging her on the side, referring to Taehyung.

Alex: "yeah actually we started dating yesterday". She exclaimed with a bright smile.

Y/n: "well that's fast". I said surprised.

Alex: "yeah but we agreed that we'll slow down the pace". She admitted.

Y/n: "okay as long as you're happy". I replied smiling.

~skip brought to you by "hey stob it"~

We got to the mall.

(A/n: don't question how... Magic :3)

We saw two people supposedly females outside by the entrance, it's Lilly and Emma they slowly turned around making eye contact with us and just by that I knew exactly what they were going to do.

"Ahhhhh". They both yelled like crazy maniacs running up to us and jumping onto us.

Y/n: "yah yah yah did you not read my shirt". I yelled with Lilly and Emma practically choking Alex and I.

They pulled away taking a look at my shirt that said.
(Don't touch me) written big and bold on the front.

They looked at me pouting making a puppy dog face.

Y/n: "I'm just kidding GROUP HUG". I yelled holding out my hands and we all did a group hug laughing childishly.

Alex: "you guys are wild". She commented making a funny terrified Face.

Emma: "deal with it we're you're best friends". She said wrapping her arm around her shoulder.

Alex: "sadly you are unnie". She sighed making us all laugh.

Emma: "I'm offended". She said dramatically.

Lilly: "enough with the K-drama scene let's go shopping". She said pushing us inside.

We went into different stores looked at stuff bought clothes and mostly made trouble.

We for some weird Reason started to take pictures with every mannequin we saw and we accidentally broke off one of the mannequins arms oops, we didn't even try to put it back on we just dropped it and ran out of the store looking like crazy wild animals laughing our heads off.

Alex: "let's go get something to eat guys I'm starving". She said dramatically pointing at the food court.

"Okay let's go". We all agreed and headed to the food court.

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