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Present Day

Foolish, foolish girl...

So much for not being a doormat.

I feel like one of the heroines in an old romance book-one of the Mary Sues who's willing to put up with anything from an asshole hero in exchange for amazing cock. But I honestly can't continue to live like this-can't let someone toss my heart into a grinder over and over again for shits and giggles.

I denied him in Dallas, gave into him in Charlotte, and let him do whatever he wanted to do to me in New York.

And the only words spoken between us were moans. That, and a "See you next week."

I know better than this...

Write later,


**Taylor S.**

1 comment:

KayTROLL: The 'Misadventures of Taylor G.'s Emotional Pussy' continues...



Memphis (MEM)-> New York (JFK)

I stared at Justin as he tossed a condom into the trash, waiting for him to make eye contact with me, but he seemed too pre-occupied.

"Justin, is something wrong with you?" I asked.

"No." He adjusted his cufflinks. "I've told you no every time you've asked for the past couple of weeks."

"Well, why don't you answer my phone calls anymore?"

"I have nothing more to talk to you about." He put on his blazer and walked over to the mirror. His eyes met mine in the glass and he raised his eyebrow. "Why?"

"I just thought we were getting somewhere..." I shrugged. "That's why I asked. I feel like we're-"

"We're back to just fucking?"

I nodded. "I thought we were becoming more, and now you're...You're moving backwards, and you promised not to burn me."

"How the fuck am I burning you?" He turned around. "I'm not doing anything different."

"You're shutting me out. You won't fucking talk to me about the simplest of shit, and you get agitated if I ask you about your goddamn day." I didn't mean to yell, but my loud voice echoed off the empty walls. "You can't say you haven't noticed a difference between now and a few weeks ago. You were almost a Prince Charming, letting us connect on all the great things we have in common, but now you're on the verge of being an unbearable asshole. You're colder, meaner, and I don't think I like you anymore."

"You don't need to like me to fuck me," he said. "You just need to like fucking me." He stepped closer, letting his forehead touch mine. "And from the way you still come every time we meet up, it's clear you still like that."

"Watch the way you talk to me."

"Says the person who just said unbearable asshole?"

"I'm sure your feelings weren't hurt at all."

"I guess I'd have to have feelings for that to be the case." He glared at me. "I'm not doing anything different. We're fucking like we're supposed to, you come every time, and I don't think you can expect more than that. Yes, we share a love of crossword puzzles, traveling, and we both know plane design, but that's as far as this will go, so if you want something more, tell me and I'll walk away for good. Or since you always have to have the last word, you can walk away first. Do you want more?"

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