The beginning of feelings

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Part Four

The evening the travelers would embark on another special dinner if they chose to pay the extra euros for it and then meet up at the Karaoke bar. Neil warned them all that the taxi stands were a hot spot for pickpocketing. Keeping this in mind, Avni strapped her fannypack around her waist. She hadn't signed up for the dinner. She would join a few others, Brittany, Emma and Alex for dinner in downtown Florence and then they would join the gang at the club.

Avni truly wanted to fit in so she wore her jean jacket over her checkered , blue and red dress and navy leggings. Her roommates today were Candace and Charlie. The girls encouraged her that she would look great. She felt well despite the monthly annoyance. She tucked an errant hair behind her hair and flashed a smile at the mirror before joining them to depart to the coach.

She heard some girls gushing about Neil. Avni shook her head from wandering what it would be like to be more friendly with him.

She could not fall in love. She could not keep anyone happy. That motivation had died a bit with each loser her Dadi had found her. They all had nothing to their own names, just lived off their parents money and acted like she should beg them to be with her.

With her average looks she understood she was not trophy wife material. All she was good for in their eyes was being Daywanti Mehta's older granddaughter.

Avni shook her head and hopped onto the couch.

The coach stopped for the six people not going to the dinner. Neil knew Avni had not signed up for it. His eyes lingered on her as she made her way to the exit. He wished he had a moment to ask her what happened in the afternoon.

Now he would have to wait for the karaoke club. She had skipped the bar in Niece, he wondered if she would come out tonight.

Avni was determined to come out to see who would sing later that night , she intended to come to the bar.

Two of the girls wandered off on their own. They had done so on their own accord back in Monaco. Avni paid them no mind.

The foursome wandered the streets. Alex took them to the restaurant he had lunch with earlier that day. The wine list was decent, so didn't take the girls very long to agree that it was a good fit.

They ended up splitting a bottle of Chardonnay perhaps, Avni never could recall the names of wines she came across thus far.

They wandered around looking for dessert after. They all discussed future plans. Avni stated she was hoping to be investigative journalist someday. In fact she had written a few articles under the name Aanya Verma.

Alex asked her briefly about her past relationships. Avni answered pretty truthfully. She was surprised at herself.

"Sometimes guys don't honestly want to commit. Don't blame yourself," he stated sympathetically.

Avni gave him curt nod and they rushed to catch up with Brittany and Emma as they glanced at some of the aritecture of Florence. Avni hoped she could return here someday. She barely had a day here. Tomorrow they would be off to Sorrento.

Neil and the others were yet to arrive as six of them turned up at the club. The other two girls had found them headed here and joined them. Alex must had a nice feeling flanked by five lovely ladies as he escorted them inside.

Brittany found their tables and they settled down and they saw bouncers moving people away from the reserved area for their group.

Avni settled down in the bench and gazed around looking for Neil and the others. She had no idea what drew her to him. But that fluttering feeling came up when he did arrive. The club's owner seemed to know him and greeted him warmly.

Brittany and Emma had ordered giant sized Island drink and started getting drunk. Others started helping them devour it and soon they were on their second. One of the guys came by and dropped the shots Candace had paid for into Avni's lap. Unfortunately or fortunately, Emma's sweater was in her lap and got soaked instead of her dress and leggings.

Candace cursed the guy off as Avni stood up to try assess the damage.

Neil was caught up trying to stop the advances of one of more drunk girls present there. He turned to hear Candace cursing and carrying on and to see Avni trying to dry off something.

Before Avni could realize what happened, strong arms pulled her away from the glass and dripping table along with the commotion Candace was causing.

"Are you all right?," Neil asked.

Avni looked up at him puzzled.

" I am fine. Lenin tumne mujhe yahaan leker aaye?"

"I thought maybe the glass got on you," he muttered.

" Hey Aanya!," Big Mitch called out.

She turned to face him.

"What's up Mitch?"

"Celeste is sick. She is wondering if you can ride back with her," he yelled out.

"Sure, tell her I will be right there," Avni replied.

Neil groaned inwardly.

This girl was acting all brave and mighty after she was possibly missing earlier today. Why the heck did she want to be a hero?

It took longer than she expected to get through the crowd. She went right a few feet before realizing she had to take a left from the club to go to the taxi stand. Flustered and worried about Celeste, Avni ran back in the other direction but could not find Big Mitch or Celeste anywhere.

She reached for her phone as she blew cold air out from her mouth.

She messaged in the Facebook group.

"Hey Mitch I am at the taxi stand, I got stuck getting out of the club. Where are you guys?"

Avni waited for a reply.

Mitch replied.

"I got her into a cab already."

Avni sighed.

" Can you get me back in? It's too crowded," she typed back.

Mitch replied that he would come get her.

Avni waited a bit and started walking towards the club. Suddenly she felt a hand on her wrist. She slowly turned around to face the person behind her.

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