So close yet so far away

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Part Fifteen

Avni spent her time with Mishty for the most part. Yes she felt bad for the child stuck in between all the tensions of an evil father and his wrongdoings along with the pat of deceit Juhi left with her death.

She should be back in Mumbai with Neil. They would have finally planned a honeymoon. Maddy Bua and Kareena would come over and teased them along with Neela Ma, Mummyji, Papaji and their favorite confidence Bebe.

She hoped Bebe was coping well with this stress. She always felt the radiating affection from her ever since the first day she met her.

She sighed. Neil had probably been searching for days for her. Had he given up already?

Avni looked across at Mishty's sleeping form. If it wasn't for her, maybe she could try to discreetly disappear. But there was no way she could risk it all to have a child's life at stake. Her desire for freedom was natural. She had freedom despite Dayawanti Mehta because Neela Ma ensured she had it. The day Neela Ma came into her life and saved her from becoming a mere mohra, was one of the best days of Avni's life. The only other day prior to that was the day Aman was born. The third incidence was yet to come unknown to Avni herself.

Neil slept in small installments. He had to be aware of his surroundings. He lifted his head from his perch as he heard a beep from his phone. He reached for the phone tentatively. His expression turned to that one of relief. He subtly smiled.

His Avni was close but still far away. But he would fight all evils and bring her home again.

He would make his move tomorrow. He knew Avni was probably worried about him. Perhaps that is why she had not tried to contact him yet. But he would give up everything he could to get her back to where she really belonged.

She stood at the Trevi fountain. Neil had told them all how to throw the coins for three wishes. She threw many in but was disappointed as she didn't think any of them made them in. She had sighed and opened her eyes in despair. There was no way she would find love, return to Rome or get married if this folklore was true.

Unknown to her a figure approached where the last of her coins had fallen.

Neil picked up the coins that landed behind the ropes. So what if they hadn't landed in the fountain itself. He would make sure all three wishes came true. He smiled to himself as he threw them into the fountain behind him.

Avni got herself ready and then got Mishty ready for the day. They would have breakfast and then do the morning lessons. Sometimes they got to out together after the morning session. However Vidyuth if he joined them for breakfast would not let them both go out together. Today was one of those days but worse as he taunted her about being stuck here under his thumb and her family and husband thinking she was dead.

" Today you can go out for sometime. Mishty will stay here with me, right Mishty?"

Mishty was miserable. But merely nodded and said, " Yes sir."

Avni's heart broke each time seeing her like this. But she needed to get a message to Neil somehow. She needed to know he had not given up on her return.

Avni took time to console Mishty before heading out to the church and running errands. She was free but not so free. At least she was allowed in the church. She sat down to pray like she always did. She flinched hearing a creek of the floor boards nearby. Maybe it was one of Vidyuth's men. She had kept her routine the same or close to routine as possible. Had one of them followed her inside today?

She slowly opened her eyes and found a white rose with a note.

On the top it said : Destroy after reading.

Below it said the words she wanted to see for the past three months or at least something akin to it.

Eagle is behind Mother Mary

Avni sighed with relief. Her eyes filled with tears. She had held in her emotions too long. She tentatively walked slowly towards behind the Mother Mary statue. A hand pulled her to hide behind it.

A few moments later Avni emerged from the church more composed and confident then she had felt in years. Her faith had won after all.

The guards followed her back to the mansion.

One of them questioned her outside before they went inside.

" Why were you inside a bit longer inside?"

"Can't a girl pray in peace? You shouldn't be timing someone's prayers. What are you afraid of? I came back here didn't I?," she snapped.

"Boss will have his hands full. This woman is suddenly in a snippy mood again," the guards muttered as Avni brushed past them into Vidyuth's mansion.

Avni went to the kitchen to get some coffee.

The new butler handed her coffee to her once it was done brewing. The problem was it wasn't coffee she had started to accept here, it tasted exactly the way a certain inspector made it back in Mumbai.

She glared at his retreating figure.

"Ruko," she said.

To her surprise he stopped. He glanced around surreptitiously. Then gave her a quick wink.

She grinned widely.

"Main aap ko nahin janti. Kyun bulaya mujhe?"

" Avni I am so sorry it took me this long to figure it out."

"Woh tumhe mar dega," she cried.

Neil reached in his coat pocket for an object. He slipped inside her coat.

" I have someone in the inside. They will let you know when you use this," he stated.

He pulled her in and kissed her forehead. They both wanted more time together. But they needed backup and to catch Vidyuth.

As his hands left her rib cage where he had just held her, she felt the warmth slipping away from her body. She leaned in and kissed his lips quickly. How she had longed to see him for so long. She reluctantly left his side to return to the mansion. Why was life so unfair? Why couldn't they just sneak out of this church now and make plans to return home?

She felt his gaze linger on her retreating form. It took every ounce of self control not to run back into his arms.

There would be time for that later. Right now they had to defeat the evil man who had caused their painful separation.

Avni smiled slightly as she took out the small transmitter. She had truly married a super cop . Soon they would be reunited.

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