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Part Nine

The walking tour was fun and everyone took turns posing for pictures and discussing Roman culture. They saw Pope Francis as it was also All Saints Day. The coliseum tour was magical. Afterwards they headed off to find t-shirts for the farewell party that evening.

Everyone took turns that evening to sign each other's t-shirt.

Avni was sad but she went up to Neil and had him sign her shirt. His hand felt warm as he gently touched her shoulder to keep his spot to sign on her shirt. She moved her hair to the side so he could find the spot he liked.

Later on everyone joked around and made funny drawings on Neil's t-shirt.

Avni quietly slipped away from the frolic of the farewell party. Everyone was drunk and occupied to notice her quietly leaving the premises.

In the wee hours of the morning Aanya Verma left Rome for London and returned to her real life.

Avni tried not to cry as she sat in the plane sometime later. She had felt so free the past several days, now she would have to head back and just be Avni. She wished she could have talked to Neil before she left but he had disappeared mysteriously before she left the party last night. She had looked around to see if he was around. But had not found him. Maybe it was better that way. Not that they would ever meet again anyway.

Shweta messaged Neil about Daywanti and Neela's feud about Avni going ghayab days before her brother's graduation. Neil headed out to reception to see if Avni had checked out yet. It was now 8am. With his charm and wit the receptionist gave him the information.

"Ms. Verma checked out at 6am and took a cab to the airport," she said batting her eyelashes at him.

Neil glanced at his watch. It was now after 8am. Avni was perhaps on her way to London.

"Thank-you for your time. Perhaps I will catch you later," Neil said in a hurry before he went off to figure out his next steps.

By noon Avni had landed at Heathrow Airport. She was now composed knowing her dadi and other relatives would be wondering where she went ghayab. The reason she knew quite well was the fact she needed a break from everything and everyone in her life back home.

She had a stuck in a rut job and desired more out of it. She was considering taking a traveling position if it ever came up.

Aman waved his hand at her after she emerged from immigration. The guy had eyed her suspiciously until she showed him the tour documents.

She smiled at her brother with glee.

They hugged.

" Congratulations Aman! I am so happy my little brother has grown up!"

"Di I am so happy to see you! I am so happy you made it. Dadi has been worrying about you going ghayab. Aap kahan thi?"

" I went on tour. I needed to clear my head for some time. Now I can take on whatever Dadi has planned for your graduation ceremony," she said solemnly.

Once they sat in the cab. Aman looked at her guiltly.

"Di, Dadi has some guy coming to my graduation ceremony and the dinner afterwards," he admitted.

Avni sighed.

It was bound to happen again sooner or later. Dadi wanted to leave a legacy behind. Avni and Riya were supposed to marry into rich and influential families to make the family business stronger, while Aman was supposed to take it forward after her death.

"Dadi thinks she has this all figured out. Chalo let's see who this is now," Avni mumbled.

Daywanti Mehta was waiting for them the next morning before entering the arena. She was going to seat the potential groom for her elder granddaughter close by. She was hoping he would get here before they all went inside.

Avni cringed and her shoulders became tense.

" Avni meet Prakash Khanna's only son, Neil Khanna," her Dadi stated.

Hearing the name Neil, she slowly turned around and froze for a moment. It was him!

Neil smiled at her. He hinted at her not to scream.

" Hey Avni , I am Neil nice to meet you and the pleasure is all mine," he added.

She stared at him wide eyed as he leaned in and whispered, " I am glad it worked out this way."

She gave him a wide eyed glare as Daywanti urged them inside.

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