Saving Her

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Neil may have felt disgruntled at first but by the time he reached the docks, he decided he would not give up on Avni . Now that he knew his family's choice was his choice, he could after this tour was over actually pursue his feeling for this ajooba of a woman.

Even if she wasn't his family's choice, he would have pursued her anyway. Besides he had dropped hints but never came out to reveal everything about himself either. She must be running from her life back home. Why else would she need to use another name Aanya instead of her own?

He had been feeling sad that she would leave forever in Rome, but now armed with this new found information, he would ensure Rome would not be the end of their journey together.

Avni smiled when Neil said he almost lost their tickets back to Sorrento.

Their ferry was docked at number 13. Avni followed Chris and Celeste out of the ferry and back towards the steps leading up to main town square of Sorrento.

Avni discovered Freddy too was a journalist but from Canada.

They were chatting away when suddenly Avni felt short of breath. She kept going and tried to hide her discomfort.

Once they reached the top, she had to stop moving and she was gasping for air. Neil noticed a commotion and stopped talking and rushed to see what was going on.

Avni was gasping for air and pointing to her bag. Neil made Freddy hold the bag and he searched for anything she had that could help her.

He found an inhaler and pressed between her lips.

" Relax, just breath in and out," he assured her.

"Neil I think she got the breath knocked out of her. She tripped a few times today and now these stairs," Lorenzo stated.

Neil took a deep breath.

"Ok listen up guys, you all can explore around here, I will accompany Ms. Aanya to the clinic. I will send word about her condition and the included dinner tonight," he stated.

"Chalo Aanya," he said softly as he led her towards a nearby clinic.

"Neil I am fine now," she muttered.

He sighed.

"Tum theek nahin ho. Have you always been an asthmatic?"

She nodded.

" I had allergies when I was a kid, then panic attacks once my parents died. I thought I outgrew them but I haven't done this intense activity in awhile," she admitted.

Neil stopped short.

" I have to keep you safe the next few days, but you need to be open with me and not undermine your health, do you got that?," he declared.

She nodded meekly.

The clinic staff quickly took her inside. A pulse oximeter was applied to her finger. Vitals checked and a full assessment was conducted. Neil stayed beyond the curtain.

A orderly saw Neil and almost yelled out for him.

Neil indicated for him to be quiet.

"Listen they are checking on a good friend of mine. Have the doctor speak to me when the examination is completed," he requested.

"Yes sir," he stated.

But he turned back and asked, " Is it a special friend?"

"Roberto be quiet," Neil admonished before he continued to pace.

Dr. Miranda Spenilli knew when she saw the roots of love developing.

She came out to meet Neil.

"Aanya is fine. I have given her some steroids and strict warning not to overdue her exercise. I understand you guys are on a tour, but just give her a heads up to use her inhaler before any vigorous climbs next time," she stated.

" Anything special have to be done ? Should she be admitted in the hospital?," he asked concerned.

"No you did exactly what you should have done Neil. You saved her life. She told me how you took control of the situation. She is lucky you were with her," the doctor assured him.

Avni felt so much better.

Neil greeted her as she emerged from the exam room.

"You saved my life. You know I was born prematurely. My parents used to tell me every year on my birthday how I defied the odds. Then even after their deaths, Neela Ma my foster mom tells me the same story every year," she admitted.

Neil smiled slightly at her. How he wished he could tell her he knew who she really was, He knew they only knew each other for a short time, but felt such a strong connection with her. He couldn't wait for this trip to be over.

Avni was hoping this trip would never end, but of course it had to. Just a few more days then he would go his way and she would go back to her life.

If she only knew what would be revealed in a matter of days...

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