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Part Five

Avni was surprised to see Neil there. She frowned at him.

" I think you are forgetting something important Ms Aanya," he declared.

" What did I forget Mr. Desouza?," she asked.

" Buddy system. You do not wander around here alone. Beautiful women are always the target of pickpocketing and goodness knows what else," he muttered.

She looked at him firmly.

" I have heard you are quite the partier. If you want to go back inside.."

He held her loosely by her waist.

Avni froze.

" I was thinking to head back, if a certain girl was needing to share a cab, I will ensure she gets back safely," he stated.

She gasped. He was referring to her.

She looked around quickly to see if Mitch was around. He was not there.

" You will be safe with me. Besides Shakira, Dhiren and Varun are headed back too," he declared.

She relaxed.

"But I am not your only responsibility," Avni admitted boldly.

Neil grinned.

"Maybe I want to make you my responsibility," he teased.

He could be just flirting with her. But the earnest look in his eyes as he withdrew his hold on her told her otherwise.

The threesome from South Africa , as Neil mentioned were approaching them. They called out to Neil and Avni and they casually went to join them.

"Neil not staying with the others?," Dhiren asked.

Neil turned serious.

"Nahin I am good. I saw that Aanya was alone and I offered to check on her. Mitch was too wasted to watch out for her," he stated.

Avni raised her eyebrow at him. Was Mitch really wasted or was Neil being protective over her already?

Avni and Neil hopped into a cab after ensuring the others had gotten one.

Her back was killing her. She strained herself back and forth.

" Are you all right?," Neil asked.

She merely nodded at first.

" Just girl stuff," she muttered.

"Sorry then if I made you uncomfortable," he replied glad for the darkness to hide his now reddened face.

"Koi baat nahin," she replied as she cleared her throat.

After a few minutes, Neil spoke up as he wanted to get her alone to ask her about what had happened in the afternoon.

"So did you actually get lost this afternoon? I mean in case someone were to report it to the company, I should know right?"

Avni smiled slightly to herself.

She quickly explained everything.

He nodded in between.

" So that is what happened. But no harm done," she finished.

"Ok but do me a favor and make sure my number is saved in your phone and of course don't forget the buddy system," he said firmly.

" Don't worry, you will not get any complaints due to me," she assured him.

He chuckled a bit.

Soon they arrived at the hostel. They split the cost much to Neil's disdain.

He held the door for her.

She smiled at him.

"Take care of yourself Aanya. If you need anything,,"

"No worries I am ok. Get some sleep Neil," she replied.

He waited for her to go up the stairs and out of sight before he went on his way.

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