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They had been married merely a few days. due to work commitments they had not yet left for a honeymoon. In fact they had not even picked a destination. Then Juhi came along with a child she claimed was Neil's.

Avni had plenty of time to know Neil before they had married. First year they dated and got to know each other, then roka, engagement and grand wedding followed. He could not take his eyes away from her. She had looked so beautiful back then. Yes he thought back at it because it had been three months since he had Avni by his side or a phone call away.

Everyone said she was gone.

Neil believed otherwise. Avni Ayesha Neil Khanna was alive. Yes they had planned to find the truth behind Juhi's so called claims.

It all led to the man who had tried to have Avni kidnapped eight months ago. Neil wanted to break everything he could get his hands on. But he knew he was partly to blame for Avni going missing.

Dayawanti insisted he take another wife in a few months. She wanted him to marry Riya.

There could be no one else besides Avni. Maybe things would be different if this happened after they had a child, and that child would need a mother. But he would never marry again for himself. He didn't care what the world thought. His wife, his love was alive out there. He just needed a sign. She could be anywhere by now.


"Avni I am so sorry this is happening because of that scoundrel's enmity with me. I wanted to give your happily ever after. In fact we didn't even go on a honeymoon," he ranted.

Avni smiled and pinched his cheeks.

" Neil we can have a new beginning again. Abhi bauth muskil ka raasta hai, lekin baad main saab cheek hojagya," she assured him.

Before she left to go out with Juhi and Mishty that day, Neil had a dread in his chest, he willed it go away. But everything came crashing down merely hours later.

Juhi was declared dead , Mishty and Avni were missing but assumed dead in a matter of forty-eight hours.

Dayawanti Mehta pleaded with Neil over the past few months to accept that Avni was never coming back. His parents supported him but were becoming unsure as time passed.

Present Time Mumbai- Khanna Mansion

Neil went to the one person's faith who had not waned. Bebe was constantly praying for Avni's safe return.

Her eyes softened seeing her grandson at her doorstep.

"Tillu, she called him by his family nickname.

She seemed to know him better than anyone else in his life. Even to his parents he could not be open to as much as he was with his Bebe. Avni and him could be more closer had that terrible accident not happened. All her children wanted to do was get justice for the innocent souls trapped in that evil man's game. Bebe didn't know who he was, but she knew had to be a monster for killing innocent people and snatching her grandson's happiness.

Neil laid his head in her lap.

"Bebe main kya karoon? Meri Avni kis hal mein hogi. Main kahan usse don dhoonga. Mere paas koi lead bhi nahin hai," he said in despair.

Bebe had never seen Neil so defeated.

There had to be a way. He truly loved Avni. He couldn't go on much longer not knowing where she was. She had to give him hope.

" What about that man Tilllu? You were telling me they tried to kidnap Avni before right? Was there anything back then that happened or was said. Kya aise such hua tha?," Bebe said.

Neil's mind began racing.

Ballu had said his boss had a favorite city but it changed with his mood. He could be in Prague or he could be somewhere in India. But wherever he was, he had to get to him so he could be with Avni again.

He could be just taking this chance on a whim but he had to take action. He had worked on smaller cases since Avni went ghayab, but now he had to solve the biggest case in his life, what had happened to his wife?

It was not a surprise to Bebe the next morning that her grandson was missing. Shweta came to Bebe and inquired about Neil.

"Yeh Tillu kahan ghayab hoagaya? Kya aap ko kuch pata hai?"

Bebe exchanged a look with Prakash.

" Madona relax. Woh apane zindagi sabse bada case solve karne gaya hai."

Shweta still looked confused.

Prakash shook his head and smiled after a long time.

" Apni biwi ko bachne gaya hai. I hope both come back together this time," he prayed.


Avni was stuck in a strange situation the past few months. When the explosion happened at the metro station, Juhi had not been sight. She found Mishty and gathered her unconscious form in her arms. She was trying to get up with the little girl in her arms. She wanted to get the little girl to safety before looking for Juhi. Juhi had been the one who dragged her little girl into this mess. Naturally Avni wanted to protect Mishty. At least Avni had some happy memories of her parents before they died and then she had Neela Ma. Then Neil came into her life. But she was in a foreign country so far away from him.

Vidyuth Pandit claimed Mishty was his daughter at the hospital. He was the boss, Ballu was talking about. But Avni had no way to tell Neil because she was threatened with Misty's life and Neil's if she tried to communicate with him. Sometimes she was allowed to run errands on her own but she could not go too far without Vidyuth's men watching.

She was a prisoner despite being able to move freely out of a prison wall. Vidyuth had kept her around as Mishty's nanny. They had been moved secretly from the hospital on the outskirts of Mumbai gradually to different hideouts and eventually they came to Prague.

How she wished she wasn't here under these circumstances. Vidyuth had played a smart game. He had made the world, and possibly Neil think she was dead. It now been three months, everyone would gradually move on from her loss and the case would go cold. When she did sleep she would dream of the bomb blast and the happy memories she had of her time with her family, especially the ones with Neil.

They were to face the world together until fate had other plans in store.

Avni sighed as she closed the back door of the large mansion. She was headed to the church first today. She would pray in this church whenever she was allowed to leave the hideout.

"Please Mother Mary, mujhe Neil se milado," she begged every time.

She loved and missed him terribly. They were newlywed, they did not deserve this separation. Both hoped for a sign to find each other. Neil had realized his, but would Avni find hers?

Neil had to take a discreet route to his destination. Several years in the police force along with his natural charm and intelligence were all required experience he needed to be successful in this mission.

DD was going to contact him with the details once he got any information. Neil presented himself as a random tourist here for a pleasure cum business trip. He used his old pseudo name Neil Desouza.

"Mr.Desouza welcome to Prague. Your room number is 110," the receptionist stated.

Neil tipped his hat at her.

" Thanks Ms. Sandra."

She blushed slightly. He averted his eyes. He had two major goals. One was to punish the boss and other to get his lifeline back.

Neil entered his room after scanning that all was in the clear, he quickly got to work. If Ballu's past statements held any truth, his boss was a moody man. Neil could not risk losing Avni. If she was truly here, he wasn't leaving without her.

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