Are you ready to roll?

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Yes surprise two updates in one day! Enjoy everyone!

Part Sixteen

Vidyuth was on edge the next morning. He needed to move cities that night. He had a habit of getting restless after a certain time period in a certain place. His businesses spread all over the world. Maybe it was time to finish Avni off. If he was to return to Goa where his business headquarters was, he did not want to risk her escaping and leading that ACP back to his lair. She already knew too much.

Avni was going over Mishty's morning lessons when an abrupt knock on the door of the makeshift classroom surprised her.

Avni usually didn't have someone hesitate entering the room unless it was her personal chamber with Mishty.

She opened the door to find the butler standing there.

By now she knew it was DD, but could not address him by name.

He had a tray which she knew had to be some kind of message. Chocolate milk was for Mishty and a coffee with some pastries adorned the tray.

She quietly thanked him and assured him she had what she needed.

"Thanks abhi aur kuch nahin chaiye," she stated aloud before closing the door. She handed Mishty her snack.

Under the plate a note had the same warning destroy after reading.

" Danger, it must be today to exit."

Avni sighed with relief.

She had sensed one day Vidyuth would no longer need her presence. He was making a another move. If she was with him, she would be a security risk. Mishty may be too scared but Avni was not.

DD informed Neil.

" Vidyuth will make a move tonight sir. Pari ki jaan khatre mein hai," DD sent through an encrypted message.


Avni went to the church and prayed.

The priest stopped her for a moment.

"This was left here for you," he whispered as he handed it to her quickly before turning away and not looking back at her.

It was a radio and headphone and some travel documents. Neil would always think of everything.

She stepped outside of the church.

A man on a motorbike stopped right in front her.

"Are you ready to roll?"

She nodded and hopped behind him.

"Oye Ladki ruk!," two armed men yelled after her.

She gave them a stern look as she put on the helmet and closed the visor as if to say try to stop me.

They sped off.

They must have radioed for more help.

"Avni come over here!" as he flipped her to sit on his lap,

"Neil they are after us, what are you doing?"

"Hug me!"

She obliged and found the guns in his jacket pockets.

"How did you get these?"

"Just get ready to shoot Avni!"

She pulled back the safety and started shooting at the men following them.

Back at the mansion Vidyuth was fuming that Avni was attempting to escape. He wanted to kill her so she could not tell anyone anything. If she escaped his whole empire would be destroyed.

He would go after her himself and no one could save her once he caught her.

Neil and Avni ran out of bullets.

They had to stop and take cover.

They ended up at a barn a few miles from Vidyuth's hideout.

Vidyuth got a bullhorn and then shouted at them.

"Avni agar tum nahin baar aayi, toh main Mishty or phir tumare pati ko mar dunga!"

"Boss I think we better go inside to see if they are still inside," one man said.

"Shut up! I will shoot you. I want her alive so I can watch her breath her last. Before I was going to shoot her, now I will take her to India and kill her family members then her last," he declared.

The remaining goons entered the barn. Vidyuth heard noises then sudden silence.

He approached the area with two of his men but before he knew it , they were knocked out and then he too saw darkness.

Avni and Neil had found chains to tie up the men after they had beat them up and knocked them unconscious. They dragged Vidyuth lastly to a beam and tied him up.

Neil offered his hand to Avni, she took it.

DD radioed in, he had Mishty she was safe.

"Overconfidence is never a good thing," Avni stated.

"That is right wifey. We made a good team. Chalo ahi ghar chalte hain," he declared as he pulled her close to himself.

It was time for them to start living their lives again.

The four of them met at the airport. Mishty rushed to Avni.

"Aap theek ho na Angel?"

Avni nodded. Both her and Neil had some minor bruises and cuts, but they would heal in due time.

They had reached Mumbai airport when Avni did not feel well. Neil was startled when suddenly Avni grasped his collar and then went limp.

" DD get the car! Mishty stay close by!," Neil ordered.

"Kya hua Angel ko?," the little girl asked.

"Angel is just tired. We will get her some help then she will be ok," Neil said assuring the child.

But he himself worried if Avni would be all right.

DD pulled the car up and grabbed Mishty and the few bags they had with them. Neil laid Avni in the backseat with Mishty.

They all silently prayed. Neil dialed Neela Ma and told her to meet them at the hospital.

Neela rushed to the hospital and reached there to see Mishty, Neil and DD looking forlorn in the hallway.

"Mishty toh yahaan hai, meri Avni toh theek hai na?," Neela cried.

Neil rushed to her and hugged her.

"Woh theek thi kuch dhere pelhe, pata nahin achank se yeh kaise hogaya," Neil stammered.

Neela patted his shoulder and back.

Bebe was informed and she started to pray for Avni.

A few hours later, the doctor came to talk to them. He asked Neil a few questions.

"Looks like she has been under a lot of stress and today's events may have exacerbated her condition. I would like to observe her tonight. If she is feeling better tomorrow she can go home. But Mr. Khanna she needs rest and plenty of TLC," the doctor instructed.

"Don't worry doctor. I know Neil will take good care of Avni," Neela said with firm belief.

DD went to take Mishty to her maternal grandparents. They had accepted her responsibility and agreed to have her visit with Avni once she felt better.

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