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Neil was really elated with the news. Later on if someone asked him to list the happiest moments in his life this would be in the top five for sure. They had quite the surprise when Avni had her follow up sonograms only one baby showed up but sometime later they detected two heartbeats.

Avni and Neil were filled with joy. They recalled the night they consummated the twins and blushed knowingly.

Neela and Shweta went in frenzy trying to buy up more baby supplies and clothing. They were concerned because with twins, Avni could go into labor sooner.

Avni braved it all up until three weeks before her original predicted due date. Prakash and Bebe rushed her to the hospital, while the others joined them in a frenzy within the next thirty or so minutes.

"Papaji where is Neil? He needs to be here!," Avni cried as the labor pains got closer to each other.

"Don't worry beta, Neil aata hoga," Shweta and Neela took turns assuring her.

Two minutes later, Neil arrived with DD.

"DD I want security around here. No one is to enter without my permission," Neil declared.

"Kya hua Neil?." Shweta exclaimed as Neela tried to calm down Avni.

" I need to give Avni and our babies the safest environment," Neil declared as he finally took a deep breath.

" Stop it Neil, just want you here with me now!," Avni screamed.

Everyone scattered to do whatever she wished. A hormonal and in pain Avni's wrath was beyond scary.

For the first time in his life, ACP Neil Khanna was subdued. He remained with Avni during the entire birth.

She looked at him afterwards and said," Dekho ek ladka aur ek ladki. I am never going through this again!"

Neil smiled and kissed her forehead.

"Promise this is enough for us," he replied with glee.

Kareena would name them on their naming ceremony about two weeks later. Amit and Navya Khanna.

Neil would help Avni position the babies during the first few days for their feedings. They would change diapers together. Once Neil returned to work, the elders of both their households would assist Avni in caring for them.

Ali and Riya gradually fell in love. Neil and Avni caught them enjoying caring for the twins one evening after they returned from a charity event.

Dayawanti was livid but later calmed down when Aman fell in love with Kareena. But Kareena was hesitant due to his past. Once Aman proved his worth and started his own company for active wear, Kareena gave him the ok some years later.

As the years past, Avni turned to starting her own advice column and covering cultural events across the city. Neil opened his own private firm so he could have more time with his wife and children.

On the morning of the twins' eighth birthday, the Khanna household was busy with preparations. Avni was running around like a mad woman. Neela and Shweta had to calm her down.

Avni wished Bebe was here, but she had passed away six months ago. But she had been very happy before she left this earth.

Riya and Ali would bring their daughter Katrina who was six to the party. Aman and Kareena would bring their daughter Kavya who was five, Avni had picked her name.

The twins Amit and Navya had also invited their school friends.

Dayawanti had died three years earlier. All the young parents promised they would allow their children to choose their professions and marry the person of their choice when the time came.

The parents cheered the children on as they played the games and then cut the cake. The twins came to feed their grandparents then their parents right away. Then the remaining cake was given to the guests.

Sometime later after they cleaned up and all the guests had left, Avni walked into the room wearily.

She was caught wearily by her waist, and slowly turned to see Neil had trapped her with dupatta. She saw his passion filled eyes.

"Neil I am tired.."

"Wifey it has been awhile," he stated.

She sighed.

She smiled slightly and wrapped her arms around his waist as he pulled her back to himself. She had the happiness she always longed for and a life partner who made all her wishes come true.

She knew even if she ever wanted to disappear, she couldn't for long, his love would always draw her back home where she belonged with him and their family.

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