Chapter 13

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*Madie P.O.V.*

I feel two arms around my waist from behind. I look up in the mirror and see Zayn. "Morning Madie." he said in his morning voice. "Morning Zayn." I said back. I turned around and faced him and he pulled me close. "Your beautiful. No matter what people say... Your beautiful." he said and I grin at him. He held my wrist and kissed my cuts. I blush and smile. He hugged me and I hugged him back. "Zayn?" I asked as we pulled away. "Yes?" "Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden?" I asked and he shrugged. "Cause I like you..." "But why me?" I asked. "Because... I saw that you were just so nice, caring, and beautiful... I don't know... I just fell for you." he said and sat on the bed. I sit next to him. "By the way who was that person chasing you?" I asked. "My dad. He got mad at me because I was smoking again." He said and ran his finger through his hair. "That way I have some here." he said and got up and went to the desk. He opened the little drawer and he had to have at lest twenty or more pack of cigarets in there! He grabbed a pack and walk back over to me. "Have you ever smoked?" he asked. "Actually yes." I said and his mouth drop open. "What?! I didn't know you smoked! How long." he asked. "Um I started three years ago but I stopped last year." I said "Want one?" he asked and held out a cigaret to me. "Sure." I said and took it. He lite it for me and we sit there smoking and talking. I had two cigarettes and Zayn had four. "Cigarettes are great for getting away stress." I said. "You got that right." he said. He walk back over the desk and got out three packs. "Here." he said and handed me the three packs. "Oh, no. Zayn I can't take your cigarettes." I said and handed them back to him. "C'mon. I have plenty. Take them." he said and I sighed and took them. "Thank you Zayn." I said and he nods and sat down next to me again. "Well I used get going." I said. "Ok." Zayn said and we get out of the building.

He walks me home and I walk inside. "How was the sleepover?" Harry asked me as I walk through the door. "Good." I said and walked upstairs to my room. I take out my phone and I have 3 missed messages from Luke, Louis, and Starr.

Luke: Hey Madie... I was wondering if you maybe.... Wanted to go out on a date with me?

Louis: Hey love! How are you doing?

Starr: Hey did you meet anyone our age at the hospital?

I reply to Luke's first.

Me: Sure. When and where?

Luke: Our secret place aka the forest at 4:00pm tomorrow?

Me: I would love to!

Luke: Great! See you tomorrow then.

Me: See you tomorrow.

Then I reply to Louis's.

Me: Good you?

Louis: Good.

Me: Ok. What's up?

Louis: Bored you?

Me: Nutin.

Louis: Cool. Gtg bye.

Me: Kk bye.

Then I reply to Starr's.

Me: Yes actually.

Starr: Boy or girl?

Me: Boy.

Starr: What's his name?

Me: Luke Hemmings.

Starr: What he look like?

Me: He has blonde hair, and blues eyes.

Starr: Like your's?

Me: No... His eyes are more lighter. Their a light blue.

Starr: Did you get his number?

Me: Yes I did....

Starr: Awww!

Me: Shut up!

Starr: I'm joking!

Me: Well I'm going on a date with him tomorrow....


Me: SHUT UP!!! Lol. I gtg bye.

Starr: Kk bye.

I put my phone on my nightstand. I lay back on my bed and stare at the ceiling. What was with Zayn yesterday and today?... Why was he so like clingy... Like he wanted to be next to my side or holding my hand or something like that... I sighed. I know he likes me but I didn't know that much... I hear a something hit my window.... I walk over to it and I see Starr. I run downstairs and Starr smile at me. "So?" she said and I look at her confused. "What?" I asked. "What happened yesterday. Did he kiss you?!" "No he didn't." I said and we walk down the streets and talk. "Did he do any moves on you at all?" Starr asked. "Yes actually..." I said. "Like what?" "He wrapped his arms around my waist." I said and Starr gasp. "Oh my god! He like you!" she said and I roll my eyes. "Well no shit Starr." I said and she laughed. We talked and walked for a while. "Hey Madie!" I hear someone yell from behind me. Starr and I turn around and I see Niall and Luke! I smile at them. "Hey Niall. Hey Luke." I said. "Hey Starr." Niall said and Starr got all shy. I nudge her in the arm and motion her towards Niall. Niall and Starr start to talk. "Hey." Luke said. "Hey." I said back. Luke pulled me away from Starr and Niall a little bit. "Ok so I'm sorry I just randomly ask you on a date." "No it's ok." I said. "You sure?" he asked. "Yes. I'm sure." He smile at me and I smiled back. "Madie?" I hear Starr ask. "Hm?" "We should get going." she said and I nod. I hug Niall and Luke before leaving with Starr. "So that's Luke!... He's cute!" Starr said as we walk to my house. "Yah I guess he is..." I said. I look over my shoulder and see Luke staring at me. I wave at him and he waved back. "Starr?" "Yes?" she asked. "I'm going crazy!" I said and Starr looked me confused. "Why?" she asked. "I-I think I like Luke more then I like Louis!"

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