71. Lost you...

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Minas POV

I watched as they put the big grave down under the earth with tears streaming down my face.

Everybody was wearing black. Everybody was silent.
No one talked.

Rest In Peace Park Dani1995-2017

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Rest In Peace
Park Dani

(A/N I don't know if I gave her a last name before if I did and it's not park I'm sorry)

I sighed and set down on the grass in front of her stone.

Why did you do that Dani?

Why would you take the bulled for me?

If I caused you so much pain why didn't you just let me die?

Tears streamed down my face and I sniffles wiping them away.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I took it and squeezed it already sure about the person who it was.

"Dani was a good friend to me as well..."


"I should have told her before..." he said and his voice cracked.

I looked at him "tell her what?"

"That... i like her... more than a friend."

My eyes grew big "y-you liked her?!"

He nodded and looked down "I didn't had the guts to tell her that. Because I knew she wasn't over her ex boyfriend. I didn't knew it was Jonghyun Hyung tho. I know she didn't liked me and I know we fight a lot, but I really liked her... but it's to late now..."
he wiped his face and I took his chin turning his face to me.

I saw the tears running down his cheeks.

He must be really hurt. I wished them away slowly smiling at him.

I hugged him tightly "I guess we both lost someone who meant a lot to us! Dani was different. She always protected me from danger. She was a sister to me. She was the person I loved and cared the most in this world."

"Uhm ehem..." he fake coughed hugging me back and I laughed.

"Of course you are too Tae! Saranghae!"

"Nado saranghae!" He laughed squeezing me and I could feel him smiling.

"Uhm... am I supposed to beat up someone right now?" We heard a voice and pulled away immediately.

I looked up and Jonghyun and smiled "Aniyo. You're different of course! You have a special spot in my heart."

He smiled and put out his hand helping me get up. He pulled me up and hugged my waist putting his forehead on mine "I love you so much..." he said closing his eyes.

I blushed and was happy that his eyes were closed so that he couldn't see my tomato face.

"Eww you aren't going to make out right now are you?!" Tae interrupted like always the peaceful moment.

Jonghyun sighed and pulled away "You should really get a girlfriend!"

Taehyung put his Hand in his chest acting hurt "Why???" He stood up "I don't need a girlfriend when I have Mina!" He said putting his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer pecking my cheek.

"Yahhh!!!!" Jonghyun tried to push him away but he just squeezed me closer to him giggling.

"Let go of her! She is mine!" Jonghyun whines pouting.

I chuckled stopping both of them "guys don't you think it's the wrong place to fight right now?"

They looked at each other and nodded letting there arms fall from my sides "Mianhae!"

We turned to Dani's grave again and bowed all together "Mianhae Dani! Please Rest In Peace! I will miss you so much!"

We stood up and left the cemetery and I sighed tears building up again.

I will miss you so much...

When we kept walking Taehyung put his arm around my shoulder again pulling me closer.

"Yah!" Jonghyun pushes his arm putting his arm on my shoulder pulling me to his side.

"Hyung! She is not yours!"

"Of course she is!" He said rolling his eyes "she is my wife what else do you want!"

Tae rolled his eyes es well "Yeah but this doesn't say anything about her being yours!"

I chuckled at his none sense while Jonghyun groaned probably about his childishness while rolling his eyes again.

This boys really know how to bring up my mood even if they didn't really meant to do it

I saw someone standing in front of our car and I smiled "Oh! Jimin! Yoongi!" I said pushing away Jonghyuns arm and ran up to them.

I took Jimins left arm in my right hand and Yoongi's right arm in my left hand pulling them closer "Let's Go!!!!"

"Yahhh!!!" I heard both of the two boys in the back running behind us whine while Jimin and Yoongi just looked at me confused.

This is going to be difficult...


Mianhae guys!!! This is just a filler and yes Dani is dead. Some of you might be happy some maybe not! Hahaha

I'm sorry for this boring filler but I just didn't wanted you guys to forget about my story and wanted to show you guys that I'm still here! 🙋🏻

I thought of making a question and answer with the characters because I have a feeling that I forgot to mention some details or I left some question marks here and there!

So if you have questions just ask them.

If not then you don't have to sorry...

Xoxo Miley








Other characters....

Authornim... hahah no joke you don't have to ask me!

That's it! Just ask if you have a question if not then it's okay! I just wanted to make sure there are no question marks left in your pretty brains❤️


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