82. chapter

624 22 15

Minas POV

„Oumma! When is Appa going to come home?" Minhyuk asked hugging closer to my left arm.

I sighed „soon baby don't worry" I said faking a smile at her trying to look not so worried.

Minhyuk was on my right leaning on my shoulder sleeping soundly, while Areum was on my lap with her legs and arms wrapped around me, her head on my chest, sleeping as well.

Jinhyuk and I where the only one awake. The house was so quite it scared me.

Jonghyun where are you....

After some time Jinhyuk as well fell asleep on my lap and I smiled stroking his head.

I got up and got Areum into her bed. And the boys after her one by one.

When I was finally finished I kissed them all on the head and left the room closing the door behind me slowly.

I walked back down and sat on the floor leaning on the wall across the door waiting for it to open revealing a perfectly fine Jonghyun.

Tik tok tik tok

The clock on the wall was way louder then usual.

I looked up. 02.14 am.

Where are you Jonghyun?

My eyes felt a little heavy. I pulled my legs up to my chest hugging them while resting my head on my knees , eyes glued to the door.

I pinched my arm.

„Ouch! Damn!" I pouted. That hurt more then I thought. But I have to stay awake! What if he knocks on the door and I can't open because I'm asleep??what if he comes home and need something but I can't help because I'm asleep?

„No Mina! No sleep!" I said slapping my face.

I sighed and put my face down on my knees again.

My eyes closed again and again and every time it happened I shook my head hardly trying not to fall asleep.

But after some time I have up and just closed them to rest s bit.


„MINA! Open up!"

My eyes shot open I ran to the door as fast as I could. But then I stopped.

What if it was some robber? It didn't sound like Jonghyun.

„Mina?" i heard a knock again and I sighed in relieved opening the door.

When I opened it someone just fell into my arms fainting.

„J-Jonghyun?" i said panicking.

I pulled him over to the couch closing the door behind me.

After I payed him carefully on the bed my eyes filled with tears.

His whole body was covered in blood.

„Who did this to you Jjongie?" I said sobbing quietly .

After I made sure he was comfortable I ran up and got the aid packet and some fresh clothes and ran back down.

I pulled down his jacket and slowly pulled his shirt over his head reviling his shirtless scratched blood covered chest.

I was still sobbing while cleaning his wounds. I put a bandage around his chest making sure it wasn't lose.

I sat down beside him my eyes filling with tears. "Why does this keep happening Jjong? Why don't they just leave us? Why can't we just live peacefully to ourselves?" I said putting my hand on his cheek caressing it lightly. Tears rolled down my cheeks onto his bandaged chest.

I felt his hand over mine "Mianhae" He said and you could just hear the pain he was feeling from his voice "chongmal Mianhae" He said with a groan. It must be hard to talk as well.

His eyes flicked open and his eyes locked with mine "I promise you, we will have a peaceful life one day soon!" He said never leaving his eyes from me.

I sighed "Jonghyun. Don't make promises you can't hold. It's just heartbreaking in the end."

His eyes changed and he looked away closing his eyes bitting on his already bruised lip making it bleed again.



Owwwww I know I do a lot of cliffhangers but I just love it that way.

The problem is... every time I end a chapter I get curious myself what is going to happen next cause I never plan before head 😅

So I don't know what is going to happen!

What do you think will happen next??

Give me some feedback please...

Xoxo Miley

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