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Needless to say, (Y/n)'s trip to China was postponed. As a matter of fact, it was canceled.

Upon notifying Sundar, Google themselves launched a lawsuit against Microsoft, deeming them unfit to practice robotics. Microsoft, of course, claimed otherwise, but with the proof of (Y/n)'s injured body and pictures as well as a statement from the girl, there wasn't much that they could defend.

Googleplier had wanted to testify, but the female engineer didn't let him. After all, since the case was about the unauthentic use of robotics, she thought that the jury would not take a robot's word for what it was.

As for (Y/n), she had suffered many lacerations, cuts, and all around injuries, including the obvious wound in her foot. For the few days that she was forced to stay at a Google-led medical facility for their employees, she found herself in constant agony. Morphine only dulled the pain for her, and she wished that death had come upon her instead of having to deal with this torture. She had a foot cast on, doctors deeming her unworthy of walking for now.

On the day that she was finally able to leave, she practically ran out of the door - if it weren't for her unseemly cast and crutches. Googleplier trailed behind her, making sure to cautiously watch her movements and help her if she seemed to stumble a bit. He was very worried about her. She was already taking things too hard on her body, and it truly bothered him. She was still in pain as well, but he truly didn't know what was going through her mind.

Without (Y/n)'s knowledge, He reached into his pocket and pulled out the tiny data chip that he had recently stowed away. The multi-colored square practically glimmered under the airports false lighting, and he was so ecstatic to be able to install it when they would arrive back home. It was the perfect time for his internal update - he needed one to be able to keep up with the injured girl in front of him.

He quickly tucked the chip back into his pocket before (Y/n) looked back towards him.

"Let's get out of here please." She said quietly, looking down at the ground below her as she moved slowly with her crutches. She seemed to be trying to apply pressure onto her foot, but upon her hissing, he found that walking would be far too much for her for the moment.

She pushed back the tears that were forming against her and continued to avoid eye contact with the curious travelers around her. She hated their stare and wished that they would simply ignore her state. (Y/n) felt so pathetic under their pitied gaze. She didn't want to be vulnerable like this - the feeling of helpless had been eating away at her already.

Googleplier was holding her carry-on bag, a neutral gaze filling his orbs. Feeling his stare, she looked back at him before quickly averting her face from him. She sometimes dispised that look, but it also gave her a sense of curiosity. Very rarely did he ever show anything other emotions to her. She vaguely remembered that he had talked to her while she was restrained by Bing, but she couldn't quite recall much of anything. It was all just deliria for her.

"Are you doing alright?"

She whipped her head around, her confused eyes landing on Googleplier's countenance. Even though he didn't give much of facial indication, (Y/n) could tell that he was feeling upset.

"Why do you ask?" She inquired back, purposefully ignoring his question. He frowned as she turned back around in order to watch where she was headed to. Irritated by this, Googleplier walked a tad bit faster until he had positioned his body in front of her, which stopped her movements.

She grumbled under her breath, feeling her blood begin to boil. He was worried for her too, and she hated it. It wasn't like she was going to die or be killed anytime soon. Regardless of what had happened, he had to get over it - no matter how much the situation haunted her thoughts.

Malfunction (A Googleplier Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now