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What seemed like an hour passed until (Y/n) heard the faint sound of a small groan from the man that was laying in her lap. She was slightly startled, but she was happy to hear that he was beginning to wake up, considering the fact that she was being crushed just with his head's weight alone. She was glad that she didn't take it upon her self to keep him warm.

The man turned over to his side, holding his head in his hand. She could only assume that his groans were from the pain his body was experiencing and decided to stay quiet in order to not spook him. Who knew what he would think of her being here. Was he mental? Was he prepared and determined to kill those who took his life away?

He rolled onto his stomach, thankfully not anywhere near the glass on the floor. She didn't want him to be any more injured than he already was, and while her own were probably more extensive, she wasn't dying. So she was willing to put all of her concern onto this man and hoped that he didn't need to be carried out as well.

"Agh..." He hissed, slowly getting up from his position. He was cupping his head gently, sneering when he touched the area too roughly. (Y/n) made the assumption that he was knocked pretty hard on the head, which also explains how they got a man with his physical stature here without any others being injured. She was tempted to laugh at the thought of Sundar being punched in the face, but a gasp stopped her thoughts.

She tilted her head towards the man that sounded, gazing into furious and annoyed deep brown orbs. His nose scrunched up as he studied the girl, looking for any ill intentions within her eyes.

(Y/n) was about to tell her story, but his hand tightly wrapped around her neck before she could do anything. Mark glared at her with hateful eyes as he spoke.

"How long?! How long have I been here?! What did you do to me?!" He shouted, his voice cracking at the higher pitches. She simply smiled through her inability to breathe, gripping her hands around his wrist. She stayed silent as he gazed around the room, noticing the shutdown systems, the pair of crutches laying on the floor, and the glass on the ground. His eyes then roamed over (Y/n)'s body, and not only did he notice the lack of a shirt on her, but also the tiny shard of glass sticking into her foot and the blood seeping from them.

He looked back up to her, his eyes getting wider and his heart pounding in his chest. Who was she? What had happened to her that had caused her this injury? Why was she here?

She laughed softly, grabbing the man's attention once again.

"H..Hello, M..Mark."


"Do you wanna stop at this store?" Mark asked his deep, smooth voice always a welcome to (Y/n)'s ears.

"Whatever you want to do, Mark." She replied, shyly looking down at the sidewalk. He nudged her in the side, smiling ear-to-ear.

"C'mon... It's your birthday after all! I know that you said that you didn't want to celebrate it, but I couldn't not get you a gift. Problem is, I don't really know what you'd like..."

(Y/n) let out a giggle that Mark loved to hear so much. He could feel his heart bound at her reaction, and he joined her in laughter.

It had been almost a year since the incident, and things still weren't completely normal. (Y/n)'s mind would sometimes see Googleplier's face in Mark's, and it wasn't too hard to see why, given the resemblance between the two. There were even some instances she had slapped Mark or ran from him, thinking that he was the rogue A.I., and no matter how many times she had run from him not knowing what he was, he would always catch up with her, wrap her in a bear hug, and refused to let go until she realized who it was.

Mark had been extremely loving a patient towards her. At the facility, he had even carried her out and to the hospital, where she had all of her injuries rightfully treated. Although the nightmare of Google was supposed to be over, there was always a lingering thought in her mind, no matter how 'Google-proof' she made her life to be.

The police that had investigated the property found the bodies of the two receptionists and even the deadened shells of the four robots. But what was most alarming was that Sundar was never found, and the database inside of Googleplier had been ripped out, along with the evidence of the chip installed into him days prior.

(Y/n) tried to avoid the topic in her mind, and luckily, Mark never brought it up, but she refused to ever be on her own. She moved into Mark's apartment shortly after her hospital visit with the promise that she would pay half of the rent when she got back on her feet. Mark assured her defiantly to not worry about it, as he claimed that he had plenty of funds to support them both.

She was currently working for another company and earning a steady pay from them as well. Nothing like Google had provided, but she swore to herself that she would never return to that company or anything affiliated with it. She was even apprehensive of Mark resuming work with YouTube, but he had promised her that nothing would happen, or they would have to get through him first.

(Y/n) had told him the news about his best friend's death, and he didn't really seem to be very affected by the news. Sure it was heartbreaking for him to hear it, but it wasn't as if he saw his friend's dead body anyhow. (Y/n), on the other hand, was distraught. She wept and wept and wept, finally receiving a comforting embrace from Mark.Matthias's memory still haunted her, but everything seemed easier to get through when he was at her side.

"I'll just order something online - I could go for a nap, to be honest." She mentioned, half yawning as she spoke.

"That does sound good. Wanna order some food too?"

"Netflix maybe?"

"You bet I'd be up for that."


It took them quite a while to make it back to his place, but it only made her feel more sleepy. A good thing, in her book. She yawned again as he opened the door to his home, gesturing that she enter in first. She found his act to be quite gentlemanly, so she nodded towards him before walking in. (Y/n) was about to put her purse down on the kitchen counter until a voice spoke so vividly, that it shook the inner corners of her organs.

"I will not be eliminated so easily, (Y/n)."

The disturbing echo of a duplicate Mark's voice set her more than just on edge but terrified her to her very core. She took a step back from the inside of the home, dropping her purse as she found the presumed source of her perpetual nightmare.

Her opened laptop sitting on a table near the kitchen glowed white, showing off the Google Chrome tab. Before she left home, she knew that she had turned off the computer fully, let alone shut down her browser. Also, she made sure to uninstall anything Google related - it should have never been opened in the first place. It was impossible.

She let out a shrill scream at the horrid realization of her thoughts, bidding Mark over to her.

"(Y/n)! What's wrong?" He asked, cradling her in his chest. She didn't bother to explain as she felt his chest tighten in stress - he saw it too. She wasn't crazy. He may not have heard the voice as she had, but it didn't matter. If there would be another threat to her life, she knew that she would no longer have to face it alone.

Whatever Googleplier wanted - or if he really was even there, he would have more difficulty getting to her than he did last time.

She would make sure of it.

Malfunction (A Googleplier Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now