Chapter 3

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  Starring into the eyes of the beast that was all you could do. His hot breath on your face and his breath didn't smell to pleasant.

"Out of the pan and into to fire. If I didn't die by dad's hand I'm going to be eaten by a polar bear."

You close your eyes not wanting to see the end and turned your back to him. The big bear nudged the side of your head almost knocking you over, the second time he succeeded in knocking you to the floor. He nudged your behind till you were on your feet next to him he nudged you again almost taking you off your feet, that's when you got it.

"You want me to climb on your back?" He grunted in response.

You did want he wanted and climbed on his back holding tightly to it's fur but being sure not to pull. He walked out of the room and down the stairs. The voices now a little more clear.

"The girls dad, I guess. Who else?" Matt's voice said.

"They're going to give me back to dad." You whisper. "Hey Mr. polar bear can we go outside?"

He shook it's head no. "But I don't want to go back to my dad. He's a mean man, that's why mommy left and why I ran away. You and I are friends, right. You won't let them take me back, right. Friends look after friends, right." He looked over his shoulder and gave a slight nod.

"That's good. I'll stick with you." You said happily. The bear made it's way into the kitchen.

"Oh kumaj-" Matt stopped in the middle of his sentence once he saw you. "Your awake?"

You climb off the bear's back and stood next to him trying your best to put your arms around his neck. 

"I'm awake." You muttered.

"Oh poppet aren't you cute." A strange man in a bow tie said as he approached you. 

Out of fear you turned away and bared your face in the bear's fur. He let out a low growl at the man.

"Seems you made friends with Kumujiro." Matt said.

"Kumujiro? Is that your name?" The bear nodded back. You smiled at him. "My name's (your name)."

"(Your name) is it. I'm Matt. The guy in pink and blue that's Oliver. The guy in sunglasses over there is Al," he said pointing to the man across the room, "don't ever call him Allen he hates that."

"So don't tell her my full name!" Al shouted. You once again hide your face in Kumujiro's fur and whined out of fear.

"Keep your voice down. Your scaring her." Oliver said

Al muttered something you couldn't make out.

"Anyway the guy over there with the cigarette is Francois."

"Just you two remember, she your responsibility. I'm done raising kids after you two." Francois said then he simply walked away.

"Hey it wasn't my idea to bring the brat here!" Al yelled after him. You clung tight to Kumujiro out of fear.

"Al stop shouting can't you see your scaring her." Matt said this time.

"Well, fuck."

"Swear jar Mr. potty mouth." Oliver said.

"You'll get use to it here (your name)." Matt said.

"Wait aren't you going to take me back to my dad?" You said confused.

"Do you want to?" Matt said in a warning kind of tone.


"OK then. Welcome to the family."

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