Chapter 1

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Sabrina's POV

I sat on the chair in the living room that was closest to the window; I looked out of it. I watched the rain drops as they danced when they hit the pavement. I listened to the thunder as it boomed, filling the mansion walls, every now and then lighting would flash, lighting up the sky after the booming of the thunder. It's rainy days such as this that I enjoy the most. I guess it's something about the way the pavements glow under the street lights, or maybe even how it's great weather to cuddle up on a couch with great book and read while you sip of your favorite tea, or coffee, depending on your choice in warm drinks. I honestly prefer tea to coffee.

"Sabrina?" I heard my mother's voice echo throughout the house. She must have just gotten off work; I looked over at the old, grandfather clock in the corner of the living room, it's only noon, so she must only be here for her lunch break.

"I'm in the living room!" I call back. My mother walks in the living room, she has one of those looks on her face that somebody gets when they have good and bad news to tell you. My mom has only had this look on her face once, and the last time she had both good news and bad news, they were both actually in the bad news category, but one of her statements wasn't as bad as the other. I let out a sigh. "What is it?" I set down my cup of tea on one of the coasters sitting on the coffee table.

She takes a deep breath before she starts talking. "So, your father and I-"

I cut her off. "Mom, Ian is not my dad, nor will I ever call him 'Dad', so please, refer to him as Ian, not dad."

My mom nodded. "Sorry," She apologized before continuing. "Ian and I are going to have to let one of his bands, and their bodyguard stay here with us." I nodded, urging her to continue. "I guess you could say the good news to this, is that the band is Backstreet Boys." I look at her blankly for a moment.

"How long?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" My mom asked, her voice lacing with confusion.

"How long are they going to be here?" I asked.

"Oh, they'll be probably be here for the winter." My mom stated simply. I rolled my eyes sligtly. And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when your step father is Ian Bohen, you end up having the world's biggest boy band living in your house temporarily. You may think that it isn't as bad as it seems; I guess you're right, it's worse. It isn't exactly a dream come true, not for me anyways. I met the boys once. They're nice, really, they are. But, there is one boy who knew how to get under my skin and drive me completely insane; and his name is Nick Carter.


A/N: A brand new and my very first Nick Carter story! There ya go :) <3 I'm so in love with Backstreet Boys especially with the member Nick you have no idea *inserts heart eyes emoji*

Anyway, to those BSB fans that do not know who Ian Bohen is, he was in the TV series Teen Wolf(well, if u knew him already then good for u buddy) his character name is Peter Hale okaayyyyy but that tv show has ended last month :( it's over tho

And to those Teen Wolf stans who listen to BSB and love them, well hONEY I LOVE U NOW AND I HOPE U RECEIVE ALL THE THINGS U WANT AND YOUR WISHES WILL COME TRUE <333


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