Chapter 16

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A/N: Happy New Year everyone!! Here's another update for y'all <3

Sabrina's POV

I walked out of the bathroom and go downstairs; there's at least two hundred people here. As I try to find my way to Brian through the sea of people, I find myself getting a little claustrophobic. I let out suck in a deep breath and look around for an easy escape from the crowd. I find the door that leads out to our garden; I swiftly make my way to the door and walk out.

As I walk through the garden, I see a few people here and there on the benches; they're talking while drinking their alcoholic beverages. I silently wonder why they've chosen out here to talk and sit; then again, who am I to judge, I'm out here too, right?

I made my way towards the end of the garden, where there is - normally, during spring - a small pond, a bench, and a beautiful combination of flowers along the edge of the pond, but now that winter is here, the pond is frozen, and the flowers won't be seen until the spring. I see Brian sitting there alone; he has his head in his hands and automatically I feel like something is wrong. Why isn't he inside enjoying the party?

"Brian?" I asked as I approached him; he looked up at me. "Are you okay? Why aren't you inside?" I took a seat next to him on the bench.

"I'm not exactly a 'party' person." He shrugs, looking back down. I can't help but I feel like there is more to this.

"Are you sure that's all?" I asked with concern.

"Um," He looked up at me. "Yeah, that's all." He didn't sound confident with his answer.

"Brian," I looked at him. "You know you can tell me, right?"

He simply nodded. "Yeah," There's a brief period of silence before he speaks again. "Cindy and I broke up; she said the distance was complicating our relationship."

"Oh," I can't find any other words, him and Cindy seemed perfect; it didn't seem like anything was wrong. Not to me anyways. "Well, why don't you come back inside and try to get things off your mind. Sometimes socializing and drinking a little can help." He laughed a little and nodded, accepting my suggestion. We stood up and made our way back inside; by this time, nearly everybody is either eating and sober, or drunk off their ass. Brian and I laughed slightly as we find small humor in this situation.

"Here," I say, handing Brian a bottle of beer. Brian gladly takes it and thanks me. I give him a small nod and smile. "Now go. Socialize." I pushed him lightly in the direction of a crowd.

I turned around and walked the other way, going to the kitchen to get something small to eat. After I have a plate nearly the size of Mt. Everest, I turn around. Brian is standing there; I arch an eyebrow at him and look at him curiously.

"Are you going to eat all of that?" He asked, sounding surprised. I simply nodded.

"Are you following me?" I asked. He smirked sligthly.


I gave him a weird look and walked out of the kitchen, making my way up to my room. I am stopped at the top of the stairs. What is it with people and stopping me on stairs? I turn around, I was half-expecting to see Nick there, but he wasn't, instead it was Brian. He swiftly takes my plate of food out of my hands and sets it on one of the small tables. I look up at him, wondering what he's doing.

He simply looks at me and cups my face. Brian, you are drunk. I tried saying the words, but they're caught in the back of my throat. He roughly presses his lips to mine, I don't do anything, mainly because I'm too shocked too. When he pulls away, my eyes widen, but not because Brian just kissed me - okay, maybe some of him kissing me had to do with it - but, because Nick was standing behind him. His eyes were dark and his lips were pressed into a straight line.

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