Chapter 31

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It's been a pretty long time since I last updated this whooopssss here ya go!!!!

Leighanne's POV

Brian and I snuck into Sabrina's room, I looked over at the bed. Aw, that's kind of cute; they fell asleep in each other's arms. I looked over at Brian. "So, what's the plan?" He asks, a little too loudly, if you ask me. I looked over at him and hushed him, then looked back at Nick and Sabrina. "Sorry," He whispers. I sigh and look around the room thinking of what we could possibly do as far as the prank goes. I look back at Brian.

"Have you ever seen the parent trap?" I ask quietly, keeping my voice at a whisper. He nods and looks at me in confusion.

"Yeah, but what does that have to-?" He stops and smirks at me. "Oh,"

I laugh softly and we go downstairs to the kitchen. "They're going to hate us so much..." I say, grabbing the honey from the cabinet. Brian laughs and nods in agreement. "Oh, hey, we should set up a video camera and put it on Youtube!" 

"We should! I have a camera upstairs in my room," Brian says. I nod a little.

"Great, you should get that, after we fill the balloons with water and flour." I say as I grab the string-yarn-type-thing from one of the kitchen drawers. I walk over to Sabrina's craft room and grab a package of balloons, then walk back in the kitchen.


Brian is hesitant as we set up the prank. "What if they wake up?" He asks. I hush him.

"They won't... I mean, they will if you keep talking," I look at him. He mouths 'sorry', then we get back to work, we already have the balloons and string set up, all that we need to do now is pour an equal amount of honey by each side of the bed, so they'll step in it when they wake up.

"They're going to hate us so much," I whisper, dragging on the 'so' a little bit. Brian chuckles and nods a little.

"Do you have a place to sleep?" Brian asks.

I nod. "Yeah, I can stay on the couch."

Brian shakes his head. "No, no. You can sleep in my room. I'll sleep on the floor, you can have the bed."

"No, it's fine." I insist.

"Nope," He protests, picking me up and carefully carrying me out of Sabrina's room, trying not to trip over the booby-trap of a prank we have going on. Brian opens his room door; the room is completely trashed. I laugh a little. "Sorry about the mess," He apologizes. I shrug, I have no room to complain or anything. Half of the time my room looks like this, and I don't know how... I mean, normally I'm on my computer, or something. I swear, my stuff just magically grows legs and moves around by itself.

He sets me down, I look at him. "I am not allowing you to sleep on your floor." I say simply. "There's probably species of bugs unknown to science there." He laughs slightly and lies on his bed. I look around the room hoping he has a chair - other than his desk chair - or something that I can sleep on.

"Leighanne, I don't bite." He says, patting a spot next to him.

"No monkey business?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "No monkey business." He confirms. I nod, feeling a little safer. I walk over to the bed and lie on it, making sure there's a gap between us.

"Night, Leighanne." Brian says.

"Night, Brian." I say, closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Sabrina's POV

I woke up to Nick screaming, I roll over and look at him. "What the hell, Nick?"

"There is fucking honey by your bed!" He yells.

"Well, don't yell at me!" I yell. "I didn't put it there." He looks back at me apologetically.

"Sorry." He apologizes. I roll my eyes and turn to my side table. I put on my glasses, and check my side of the bed for any honey. Sure enough I notice some. I stand up on my bed and carefully walk over to where Nick's side of my bed. I check the floor. String? Really, Leighanne? Really? I try carefully get off my bed, avoiding the honey, then I turn around. I feel unsteady and I fall backward tripping over the string. Of course...

I look up at the ceiling when I hear a noise, suddenly three large balloons fall, they were filled with some liquid. When the balloon hits me. I am soon covered with liquated flour. I scream and Nick laughs a little. "It isn't funny, Nick!" He laughs harder, doubling over, holding his stomach and nods a little.

"It is actually," He states. "Very funny."

I roll my eyes and flip him off, which just makes him laugh harder. My door comes flying open, I look over to see my mom and Ian. Ian's holding a frying pan. Really, Ian?

"Is everything okay?" Ian asks.

"Does it look okay?" I ask, snapping slightly.

"What the hell is on your floor?" My mom asks. "It better not be the jar of honey that we're missing."

Nick walks over to me and helps me up. I turn to my mom and Ian. "Just talk to Leighanne and Brian, they were the last people to go to sleep last night." I walk out of my room and go to the bathroom, then I stop at the door and walk back to my room. I pick out my clothes for the day, then I walk back to the bathroom and take a shower, and go through my morning routine. 

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