Chapter 3

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Sabrina's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock going off, I reached for the snooze button. I slowly got out of bed and walked out of my room, nearly tripping over a sleeping Kevin on the way out. We watched movies last night; he fell asleep before I did, and I didn't want to be rude and wake him up.

I walked to the bathroom, and started my shower water, then I walked back to my room and grabbed my clothes. When I walked back to the bathroom, the door was shut. Didn't I leave it open? I shrugged a little, it's possible I closed it without realizing, I mean, it is six in the morning. I opened the door and walked in, setting my clothes on the counter. I looked over on the other side to see boy clothes. They looked like they belonged to Nick.

I heard the bathroom door open, I looked over at the door to see Nick. He was only wearing boxers. Well, at least he isn't roaming the house naked.

"Did you come to join me?" He asked as a small smirk was starting to form on his face.

"No," I snapped, narrowing my eyes at him slightly. "And actually, I was here first, so you'll have to wait." I grabbed his clothes and walked over to him, slamming his clothes onto his chest, then pushing him back as I slammed and locked the bathroom door.

"This is no way to treat a house guest," I heard him say from the other side of the door. I rolled my eyes and continued with my regular morning routine.

I walked downstairs after I finished applying my make-up. I grabbed my backpack and my favorite hoodie out of the closet, then grabbed my keys. Nick walked up to me just as I was about to walk out of the door.

"Don't you want breakfast?" He asked.

"I normally eat at school," I stated quickly, trying to get out of the house as fast as I could. "Besides, I am going to be late if I don't leave now." Nick nodded a little.

"Well, can I drive you to school, then?" He asked. "The guys and I might need to go somewhere, and we'll need a car."

I thought about it for a minute, it seemed understandable. "Sure, just remember to have yourself, or one of the others to pick me up, I get out of school around three, so be there by two-fifty if you want a decent waiting place."

"Alright," Nick and I walked out of the house. I walked over to my car, before I could even think about getting in the driver's seat, Nick stopped me. "I'll need your keys."

I didn't even feel like arguing the fact that we could just switch places when I got out of the car. It wasn't even worth it, besides, I kind of like how Nick is at this moment. He isn't being cheeky, or flirty, and he isn't being a complete jackass. He is being sweet, the kind of guy I wish he'd be all the time, maybe I'd actually like him better and maybe I wouldn't mind him staying at my house.

I handed him my keys before getting in my car, when he got in, I looked over at him. "Before we leave, I need you to know that if you wreck my precious car, you are buying me a Lamborghini." Nick looked over at me and chuckled a little. "I am not joking, Carter, I am being serious. My car is important to me."

"I know how to drive Ana, nothing will happen to your car. I promise." He looked at me for a moment, before starting the car. I seriously would hope he knows how to drive, considering he's nineteen.

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