Chapter 8

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Sabrina's POV

I walked up to my room after Nick and I cleaned up the kitchen. What if I let him kiss me? What would have happened? Does he like me? Might I like him back? A billion and one thoughts hit my mind. I shook my head. He must have gotten caught up in the moment. Yeah, that's what happened. I sat on my bed and repeated the thought to myself until I fully believe it, honestly though, I think it makes sense. I mean, he just officially met me and we're starting to actually get to know each other. There was a knock on my door, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Come in," I called to whomever was on the other side. That's great Sabrina, just invite somebody in your room. For all you know the person on the other side could be a murderer. Wait. Wouldn't a murderer just barge in? I mentally shrugged off my thoughts as the door opened, revealing Nick; which, not to sound rude, was probably the last person I wanted to see at the moment. "Nick..." I let out a small sigh.

"I just wanted to come up and apologize." He spoke as he walked over to me. "I shouldn't have even thought of..." He trailed off. "I mean, you're Ian's daughter, so it'd be inappropriate anyways."

"Step-daughter." I corrected him. "I'm Ian's step-daughter."

"Right, sorry." Nick apologized. I shrugged slightly, dismissing his apology. "So, is everything going to be awkward now?" I shook my head.

"It doesn't have to be," I stated. "We could just forget about the almost-kiss."

"What almost-kiss?" Nick asked, smirking slightly. I laughed a little; I knew what he was doing. He was doing what those people do in TV shows, or movies. Nick smiled at me as he took a seat next to me. "We should have a movie night with the guys." He suggested.

"I would, If I didn't have school." I spoke.

"When do you get out for Christmas break?" Nick asked.

"On Friday," I replied. "So, in three days." Nick nodded as a response. He opened his mouth to speak, but the loud laughter of the boys cut him off; we stood up and walked downstairs. I looked at clock in the hallway, it was around nine at night; they've been gone for nearly two hours. Where did they go?

"Hey guys,"Kevin smiled. "Sorry it took us so long."

"We were grocery shopping, and you know how that is when we take Howie." AJ explained; more to Nick than to me. Nick simply nodded.

"So, what did you two do?" Brian asked, examining us. Shit. That's when it hit me. Nick and I were still in our clothes from the food fight; I seriously hope none of it got on my bed.

"We attempted baking cookies." I replied. "Attempted is in we made it half way through making the cookie dough before one of us decided to get a little cheeky and started a food fight." The boys nodded, trying to be serious, but then Howie started laughing.

"I'm sorry, it's just Nick looks similar to a mango sundae with a cherry on top." Howie said through his laughing fits. We all started laughing; I have to admit it Nick did look similar to one, but I probably did to. Not a mango sundae but a chocolate fudge sundae because I'm not blonde.

After we all calmed down, Nick and I fought over who got to take a shower first. Of course, I ended up winning, mainly because I tripped him as we were running up the stairs on our way to the bathroom.

I locked the bathroom door after slamming it shut.

"Hey!" Nick yelled. "That's wasn't very nice." I started laughing, it was honestly funny. I imagined him faking an angry an face as he walked up to the bathroom door.
"No, but it's funny." I giggled. There was knocking on the door. I unlocked it and slowly opened the bathroom door to see Nick standing there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"It isn't that funny," Nick spoke, trying to seem mad, which only resulted into him having a small laughing fit. I laughed along with him, then we stopped after a while.

"So, uh, how are you planning to walk out of here?" He asked. "After you shower I mean." 

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"You didn't exactly grab a change of clothes." Nick pointed out.

I shrugged a little. "I guess I was too busy running from you."

Nick playfully rolled his eyes. "First one to grab their clothes and get back here gets a shower first."

"Okay," I shrugged. We ran off in different directions; he went to his guest room and I went to my room. I quickly grabbed an outfit, not exactly caring if it matched at the moment and ran back to the bathroom. I was the first one of course, I mean my room was across from the bathroom. I walked in the bathroom, and locked the door. I turned around to see Nick standing there, he was in his boxers, thank God, but if I came in one second later, I probably would've seen more of Nick than what I wanted to.

"May I help you?" He asked, smirking slightly.

"How the hell did you even get here that fast?" I asked.

"Well, I didn't exactly go back to my room," He confessed. "I walked halfway there, then came back."

"That was not the deal."

"But I have more food on me, I should shower first." Nick whined.

"Nick, I'm a girl, I should shower first." I argued.

"Or you two could use less water and spend less time arguing by showering together." Brian's voice suggested from the other side of the door. I rolled my eyes.

"Absolutely not." I spoke. Nick looked at me, I looked at him. "Fine, whatever. I'll let you shower first, just because I'm nice." I unlocked and opened the door and walked out. I closed the door, then looked at Brian. "Really?"

"What?" He asked innocently. I rolled my eyes slightly and walked over to my room. Wait, there's always the downstairs bathroom! I walked downstairs and walked in the bathroom. I hope the water running down here won't affect the water upstairs. I started running the water and set it to the temperature that I normally use. Why didn't I think of this before?


I stepped out of the shower, shutting the water off. I dried off, then got dressed; I threw my food-covered clothes in the clothes hamper, along with my towels, then opened the door to see a soaking wet, furious Nick Carter.

"May I help you?" I asked.

"May I help you?! Are you fucking kidding me? You really couldn't stand me taking a shower first so much, that you decide to take a shower down here completely screwing up the water up there?"
"Nick, calm down. I didn't think that it would affect the water. If I did, I wouldn't have done it."

Nick rolled his eyes. "Yeah, okay."

"Nick, I'm serious!" I exclaimed.

"Whatever." He growled, then walked upstairs. I followed him.

"We're not done here. You just don't just yell at me, then say whatever and walk away." He turned to face me. His facial expression softened a little.

"Are you sure you didn't know?" He asked.

"Nick." I stated. "I didn't know. How would I know? I normally shower up here, and literally nobody uses the bathroom downstairs."

"Then, I'm sorry I yelled." He apologized before walking away. I looked at him in complete confusion. Is this boy bi-polar or something?

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