Chapter 9

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Sabrina's POV

I walked downstairs, trying to be quiet; I looked up at the clock, it was five in the morning. I walked in the kitchen and turned on the light, I turned around to see AJ sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. I jumped back slightly, startled at the fact that he was there.

"Jesus, AJ!" I exclaimed.

"Good morning to you, too." AJ spoke sarcastically.

"What are you even doing up this early?" I asked as I walked over to the counter to grab a bowl and a spoon.

AJ shrugged. "I originally woke up to use the bathroom, then I got hungry." I smiled and shook my head playfully. Oh, AJ. "What about you?"

"Huh?" I asked.

"What are you doing up this early?" He asked.

"Oh, I am getting ready for school." I replied.

"At five in the morning?" AJ asked, looking at me suspiciously.

"Yes, AJ, it isn't that uncommon." I spoke, pouring myself a bowl of cereal.

"Wait, doesn't school for you start at eight? Doesn't that mean you could get up at six-thirty and make it to school time?"

"Well, yes, if I had a car."

"You do have a car."

"You guys need to use it, so I am walking." I stated.

"I don't think so, it is December and it's cold out. You are not walking to school." AJ spoke.

"AJ, it's fine." I reassured him, well, I tried to.

"Nope, I'll drive you to school everyday. I only have to do it for two days, it's not a big deal." AJ insisted.

"AJ, I appreciate your kindness, but it's not your job to make sure I get to school."

"Sabrina, just let me take you to school."

"Fine, jeez." I sat on the table and ate my cereal. When I finished eating, I walked upstairs and looked in the mirror. My eyes were honestly starting to hurt from wearing my contacts everday. Maybe I should just take them out and let my eyes breathe for the day? I washed my hands and got my contacts case; I took out my contact and lenses and put them in the case, then walked to my room, and put my glasses. My eyes honestly felt better after taking my contacts out, my eye doctor did warm me that wearing contacts daily and for as long as I was could put stress on my eyes. I looked in the mirror on my way down the stairs, I guess I didn't look that bad in my glasses.

I walked in the living room to see AJ watching SpongeBob. Oh God, he likes the stupid sponge. Sorry, but I cannot stand SpongeBob. "Really AJ, really?" I asked, sitting next to him on the couch.

AJ looked over to me. "You wear glasses?" I nodded a little.

"Yeah, but I mainly wear my contacts." I confessed.

"Why?" AJ asked. "You're so beautiful with your glasses... not that you aren't beautiful without them."

I blushed slightly. "Thanks, AJ." AJ nodded a little, and gave me a small smile before turning his head back to the television.


"AJ, it's like seven-thirty, I'm going to be late." I panicked. AJ looked at me.

"Are you serious right now?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, jumping off the couch. I grabbed his hand and attempted pulling him off the couch, but he didn't budge.

"Babe, if you want to hold my hand, you could've asked. You didn't have to find an excuse." AJ smiled cheekly. I rolled my eyes and let go of his hand.

"AJ, don't be like Nick. I am being serious."

AJ sighed and nodded a little. "Alright, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, but we need to go." I spoke as I grabbed my backpack. AJ walked over to the closet and grabbed his jacket, he also grabbed his sunglasses on the table as well as my car keys.

"I'm not trying to be rude, I am simply asking, but do you have some sort of OCD over time?" AJ asked.

"I guess you could call it that." I simply stated as I opened the front door and walked out. AJ followed me out, we both got in ny car, and he drove me to school.

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