Chapter 19

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Sabrina's POV

Kevin walks in the kitchen and grabs a trash bag; he looks at Nick and I.

"I'm going to go clean the living room and bathroom, while you two clean in here." Kevin states. I look up at him with pleading eyes, asking him silently not to leave me alone with Nick. Kevin smirks slightly, ignoring my silent plea and walks out.

I look over at Nick, his blue eyes find my brown ones. Look away, look away, look away.  I try to look away, but I can't. He smiles a little and looks away and continues cleaning. I sigh inwardly, relieved. I look away and start cleaning. When my trash bag is full, I stand up and take it outside.

After I put the trash bag in the trash can, I turned around. Nick is standing there; I jump slightly.

"Oh my God!" I yell.

"Just call me Nick." He chuckles darkly as he sets his trash bag in the same trashcan as I did.

"Didn't your mom ever tell you not to sneak up on people like that?"

Nick looks at me. "Did I frighten you?" Even with the faint street light barely shining on us, I can tell that he's smirking. I roll my eyes.

"Frighten is the understatement of the year, Nickolas." I snap slightly.

"You know, you're cute when you're mad." Nick smirks, getting closer to me. I back away, which does no good; I end up backing into the wall. Fucking, really? I look up at him, his eyes have a playful gleam in them.

"Nick." I warn.

"Sabrina." He mocks my tone.

I roll my eyes at him. "Nick, it is, like, twenty degrees out."

Nick backs away, getting the hint. I push past him and walk inside. Okay, this is starting to get annoying. I walk in the kitchen and continue cleaning. But this is part of 'the game' and you said that you thought it could be thrilling. My subconscious reminds me. I roll my eyes slightly. Nick enters the room. 

"Rina," Nick say softly. I look up at him. His bright blue eyes captivate me. Look something other than his eyes, damn it. I look at his lips; which, isn't any better. They're so plump and perfect. I would do anything to - Sabrina, no. Snap out of it. You're mad at him. I look away from him. Are you really, Sabrina? My subconscious asks, sarcastically, arching an eyebrow.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm sorry if I upset you." He apologizes, walking over to me. You didn't upset me, I was overreacting. Wait, no I wasn't. Was I? I silently argue the fact if he truly upset me, or if I was overreacting. I shrug, since I have nothing to say. Well, since I'm not sure what the correct thing to say would be, anyways. "Sabrina."

I look up at him; his two most noticeable features to me pop out. His eyes and his lips. I watch his lips carefully as they form the words perfectly.

"Sabrina." He says again.

"Hmm?" Is all that comes out.

"I really am sorry." He says, looking at me carefully. 

"It's fine." Is all I say. I am much too preoccupied looking at his lips and his bright blue eyes to even care. I see a smirk caress his lips. Damn it, I've been caught haven't I? No, not necessarily, he hasn't said anything regarding it yet.

He opens his mouth to say something, but closes it. He looks as if he's thinking deeply about what to say, or what to do. Probably both. He grabs my waist pulling me closer to him. A small gasp escapes my mouth, he smirks slightly and starts leaning in. I stop him. I am not giving in yet. You almost did. You wanted to. My subconscious smirks at me. I did not! I silently protest.

"We need to clean." I state simply, shoving a trash bag towards him. He releases his hands from around my waist and looks down at me.

"You'll give in eventually." He smirks.

I shake my head in protest as I silently think that this whole thing is silly. He either likes me or he doesn't. He should have to 'chase' me, or make a 'game' out of it. I don't even know why he looks at it that way; but, I wasn't going to try and tell him what I think about the situation. Eventually he should figure it out. I'm not exactly running from him, or trying to push him away. I simply don't  want Ian to get mad, or find out. Knowing Ian, he'll see it as this; if Nick and I broke up - if we were to ever even date - he's afraid they'll find a way to drop the contact with him and find somebody else. I honestly don't think that they'd go that far with it, but who knows?

"You smirk a lot." I say simply before I start cleaning again. "It gets annoying after a while." I look out of the corner of my eye to see him playfully glaring at me. I shake my head slightly, holding in a few giggles. 

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