Trip to the Hospital

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(So.... This is my version of the Doctor.  He's kind of a mix between all the Doctors.  I really hope you like it.  I wanted to make myself the companion so I made my own reincarnation.  pluss i didn't want to mess up on writing a Doctor that everyone already loves. so here we go.)

In the quiet countryside, a bird chirps in the warm spring time sky.  Flowers blossom as the smell of fresh cut grass fills the air.  It would be a beautiful scene.  If only the hospital wasn’t in the way of it.    Yet in this peaceful place, something strange is happening.  For towards the upper floor, a blue light flashes through the open window.  A strange sound echoes though the sky.  Emilee Lynn, the young girl resting in the emergency room, knew that wheezing groaning sound better than anyone.  The sound of the TARDIS materializing.  Emilee smiled, for that fantastic sound brings hope, wherever it goes, to anyone who hears it.

                The TARDIS parks herself directly in front of the hospital bed.  When the blue door opens a strange man comes into view, his name is The Doctor.  The Doctor has to try to step over a small patch of cords connecting to Emilee.  While doing so he accidently knocks over a tiny vase of flowers and steps on them. 



                “I’ve crushed your flowers.” 

                Emilee laughs at the clumsy man.  Oh how she’s missed him. 

“It’s quite all right Doctor.” 

Suddenly Emilee starts to cough and the Doctor immediately sits on the bed next to her.  After what seems like an awfully long time, she stops.  The Doctor looks down at his companion with eyes full of sadness. 

“What are you doing here Doctor?”  Emilee asks in a small voice. 

“Well, I wanted to see how you were. You know me, I don't just abandon people when they leave the TARDIS.  You don't get rid of your old pal the Doctor so easily.”  The Doctor smiles, though he acts cheerful his hearts are broken.  He doesn’t like to see his companions like this. 

“Doctor you’re sweet.”  Ever since she left The Doctor for her health she’s longed for that mad man in a box every day… and now, he’s here. With her in the flesh.  Her eyes are wet but not with sadness, with joy.  Oh how she’s longed for her old friend.

…. Suddenly she realizes something.



“Don’t you think it might be a little odd if someone walks in and sees the Police Box parked in the middle of the room?” 

The Doctor laughs.  “Oh don’t worry about that my dear.”  And with a snap of his fingers the TARDIS begins to disappear. 

“Where did it go?”  Asked Emilee in shock. 

“Nowhere.”  The Doctor smiled as he knocked the air of where the TARDIS once seemed to be.  “It’s just invisible.”

The Doctor walks back over to Emilee and takes her hand as he looks at the monitors around her.  His hearts sadden.  He sits down next to her.  He has so much to say yet not the right words come out of his mouth.  So instead he tries to act normal. 

“So…. What do you do around here to keep from being, you know….”

“Bored?”  The Doctor nods his head.  Was that inappropriate to ask?  She is in the hospital after all.  He sighs. 

“I’m sorry…”

“No, it’s fine Doctor.  I-I just relax….  When they let me open the window I listen to the birds.  You see... birds…. Those are nice.   We didn't get time to listen to birdsong back in the TARDIS days, did we?” 

The Doctor laughs, “Yeah, you're right.  There wasn't a lot of time for birdsong back in the good old….”  At that moment the machines hooked up to Emilee began to beep very loudly and suddenly the Doctor trails off as Emilee and the Doctor both suddenly fall asleep....  

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