I'm Sorry My Dear...

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Back in the hospital room the Doctor and Emilee are just waking up when the Dream Lord walks in wearing a dark hospital uniform with an x-ray in his hand. 

“Oh no!  This is Bad!”  He walks up to the sleepy Emilee and shoves the x-ray to her head.  “Look at this x-ray! Your brain waves are absolutely haywire!  Here take these.”  He throws a bottle of pills at her. 

The Doctor tries to grab the Dream Lord but his hand goes completely through him as if he is a ghost.  Emilee is spooked. 

“Spooky isn’t it?”  Taunts the Dream Lord. “Not quite there.”  He snaps his fingers and pops up behind the Doctor.  “And yet, very much real.”  Now he is holding up the x-ray to the Doctor’s head.   

 “Oh my great scot!  Your brain is completely see-through.  But then again, I’ve always been able to see through you, Doctor.” 

“Will you stop all this madness for once?”  The Doctor is very annoyed. 

“Hmm…. Nope! But never mind that.  You’ve got a world to choose from.”  And with that he was gone, disappearing into thin air. 

“Doctor I don’t like him. Who is he, why is he doing this?” 

“Because he hates me….  He just wants to mess around.  Perhaps he’s jealous, I don’t know….  All I know is he just doesn’t like me.” 

The Doctor sits on the bed next to Emilee. 

“What does he mean by deadly danger?”  Suddenly Emilee begins to cough awfully hard.  The Doctor stands up to perhaps get her a glass of water but can’t find anything and when he tries to use the door it’s locked.  He rushes back to his companion and puts his hand on her head. 

“I’m sorry my dear….  But I think I know what it is.”  The Doctor’s face grows very pail.  “You’ll be okay.”

The Doctor Yawns as the annoying beeping continues ones more.

“Oh, no, here we go again.”

Again they are on the TARDIS. 

“It’s really cold.”  Shivers Emilee.

The Doctor unwraps his dramatically long scarf and wraps it around Emilee.  He smiles.  Then goes underneath the console and begins to work on the TARDIS.  He pulls random things out as Emilee walks up to him. 

“Doctor, won’t you be cold?”  She can see her breath. 

“Oh don’t worry about me my dear.”  He says while working.  “I’m perfectly alright.”  He chuckles.  “Emilee, can you attach this to the monitor over there please?”  The Doctor points to the same screen he tried with his Sonic Screwdriver before.  Emilee takes the wired device and connects it to the screen.  It does nothing.

“Doctor it’s not working.”

“Wait just hold on a sec.”  The Doctor begins to turn some kitchen like wind-up device.  He looks over and winks at Emilee.  “It’s a generator.”  The Scanner comes to life.  “There we go!”  Says the Doctor excitedly.  But then…. His expression changes.  “Oh dear, we’re in trouble.”  The Doctor runs over to the TARDIS door and opens it. 

“What is it?”  Asks Emilee.

“We’re trapped.  We’re in a very deep part of the galaxy.”  The Doctor exhales, instead of seeing his breath evaporate it completely changes into solid ice, floating right in front of his eyes.   “Oh this is bad!”  The Doctor closes the door and runs to his closet.  Taking out every article of clothing he’s ever worn in his life.  He rushes them over to Emilee.  “Here put these on, it’s going to get extremely cold extremely fast!”  Before taking the clothes she takes off the scarf. 

“At least take this.”  Before waiting for an answer she already wraps it around him.  “Doctor, why is the Dream Lord picking on you?”

The Doctor ignores her question.  “I’m sorry my dear but we only got about fourteen minutes until we are frozen to death.  Now, don’t panic.  We’re going to get out of this.” 

The Dream Lord appears once again.  “Oh dear Doctor, you look distressed.  Here, let me tell you a story.  “Once upon a time, there was an old doctor from Gallifrey, who ended up tossing away his life.  He let down all his friends and-”  The beeping rings again.  The Doctor looks startled. 

“Oh, no.  We’ve run out of time.  Don’t be too long in there you know.  Or you’ll end up freezing to death here.”

The Dream Lord Returns (Doctor Who)Where stories live. Discover now