The Dream Lord

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Now the scene is back to the hospital.  A sleeping Emilee is still hugging the Doctor. 

She wakes up and soon after the Doctor does as well.  Emilee feels the bed and night stand and anything else she can reach around her. 

“Okay, this is the real one.  It’s all solid.” 

The Doctor yawns, “It felt solid in the TARDIS too.  You can’t tell when you’re in a dream when you’re having one.  I’ve done this all before.” 

“Wait….  What do you mean you’ve done this before?” 

The machines right aloud again.

“Oh no not again!”

Back on the TARDIS Emilee and the Doctor wake up once again. 

“Okay, I don’t like this, Doctor.  Please stop it!  I know this one is the real one.”  Emilee sees her breath and begins to shiver.  “It’s so cold.”

“The heating’s off.”  The Doctor opens up a box and takes out an old knitted sweater and a very long colorful scarf.  “Here, put on a jumper, it should help.”  He tosses the sweater to Emilee and then wraps himself in his incredibly long scarf.  It’s been quite a while since he’s worn it.  The Doctor dashes over to the consol and starts flipping switches and turning knobs but nothing is happening. 

“Everything’s off.  Core power….  Sensors….”  The Doctor pulls out his Sonic Screwdriver and points it at a screen.  Nothing.  “Blast!  Even the scanner’s down.  We can’t see outside.  We could be anywhere.  Drifting through space….  He…. He’s overriding my controls again!” 

Emilee is startled.  “Doctor who are you talking about?” 

Emilee jumps in fright as an evil laugh starts to ring out through the TARDIS. 

They turn to face a short, older looking man.  Just the way he laughed gave Emilee the chills.  When she looks over at the Doctor he’s completely mad, glaring at the small man. 

Well, well Doctor.  We meet again.  That took you a while.  Honestly, I thought you would have seen right though me.  Considering this has been done before.”  He slowly walks over to the Doctor Taunting him.  “The great defender of earth, the oncoming storm.  The man in the stupid scarf.” 

“How did you get into my TARDIS?”  The Doctor seams scared. 

“Doctor who is that?”  Emilee panics.  What’s going on?

The small man smirks and with a snap of his fingers he disappears, reappearing directly in front of Emilee.  He takes her hand and kisses it. 

“I’m the Dream Lord.  Pleasure to meat you.” 

“Leave her alone!”  Shouts the Doctor. 

The Dream Lord laughs and with a snap of his fingers he reappears in front of The Doctor. 

“Oh what do we have here?  Getting a little jealous?  You sure do love to mess around with earth girls.”  

“This is enough!”  The Doctor’s eyes are full of hate.  “Stop with your games!” 

Again the Dream Lord smirks.  “Silly Doctor, you know me better than that.  It’s just a dream.  Oh wait, or are you awake?”  He begins to laugh evilly again. 

“Doctor what is he?”  Emilee can’t contain she distress.

The Dream Lord smiles.

“Like I said, I’m the Dream Lord.  I create dreams.”  He walks around the TARDIS, looking at it in discus.  “Dreams…. Delusions-“

“Cheap tricks,” The Doctor interrupts.

The Dream Lord pops behind them.  “I’m talking!”

There’s a small silence.

“Now…..  Let’s play a game.  Let’s play murder.”  He smiles as Emilee holds on tight to the Doctor’s arm.  “So….  Here’s your challenge.  Two worlds, over There in the Hospital and back here in the TARDIS.  One is real while the other is fake.  Now let’s make things a bit more interesting shall we?  In each work you will face a deadly danger.  Can you figure it out before your endless sleep?”  He chuckles, “I think not.  Now- oh wait!  Do you hear that?”  It’s the beeping noises again.  The Dream Lord is over joyed.  “Time to go to sleep, oh! Or are you waking up?” 

The Doctor tries to stay awake as he sees his companion fall to the floor.  But finally he fails. Falling to the floor.  “Goodnight Doctor.”

The Dream Lord Returns (Doctor Who)Where stories live. Discover now