School Shopping

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Welcome back to my horrible writing. I think I'm getting better though! Let me know if you want more scenes with Mileven or more world focused scenes. Y'know? Okay! Enjoy:) I'm also writing short Mileven scenes on my new story!

// Mike //

I opened my eyes slowly. Where was I? Not in my bed. Memories came back to me from yesterday, and I moved my arm to rub my eyes, only to hear a small whine and something moving.

I glanced down in surprise to see El snuggling against me. She rubbed herself in closer and I smiled. She must have snuck in during the night.

I stared at her beautiful face, watching her eyes open slowly. She blinked up at me and yawned.

"Good morning." I whispered. She rolled her eyes and tucked herself into my side. "No." Her word was muffled into my shirt. With a snort of amusement I wrapped my arm around her.

She sighed, content, and my eyes were just fluttering closed again when I heard a call from down the hall. "Eleven??" Hopper was grumpy. "Where are you??" El's eyes shot open and she untangled herself from me. She shook her head and rubbed her eyes.

"Just to be safe," she whispered with a wink, scooting away down the couch. I grinned at her innocent expression as Hopper stormed in.

"What-," he stopped abruptly as he saw us sitting far apart. Eleven looked up at him innocently. "I just came in to say good morning to Mike, sorry!" Hopper narrowed his eyes and then sighed. "Whatever you say. Cmon, breakfast will be ready soon."

I shared an amused glance with El as he left, and she stood up, stretching. She started to head towards her bedroom, then ran back and kissed me cheek quickly. "See ya in a second!" She giggled at my shocked expression and skipped out of the room.

I rolled my eyes at her quirky mood and stepped into the kitchen. Will was smirking at me. I raised my eyebrows as I sat down next to him. "Whats so funny?" I asked. "That you managed to convince Hopper that you were 'saying good morning'." He said, amused. I tilted my head innocently. "Is that not the truth?" Just then El walked in. She pulled herself into the chair next to me, intertwining her fingers with mine.

"Catch me up?" she asked.

"Basically I saw you guys snuggling and was teasing Mike." Will said plainly.

I widened my eyes. "You didn't say you saw us!!"

Will smirked. "Who am I not to? Don't forget.. I'm always watching..." He slithered off his chair and away.

Eleven and I shared an alarmed look, then burst out laughing.

After breakfast, Hopper told me he was going to take me home. Nodding, I climbed into his car. Eleven and Hopper were arguing on the porch.

Eleven pointed her finger accusingly and then, with a change of mind, looked put down with her wide doe eyes.

I chucked to myself.

Finally Hopper gave up his case and El skipped over to my car, climbing in next to me. I wrapped my arm around her. She smiled.

"You convinced Hopper to let you come?"

El turned to me, a surprised expression on her face. "Of course I did! Could anyone really resist this face?" She pouted at me and I shielded my eyes, laughing. "No, I think I want my house!" She giggled with me, but then Hopper climes in the car and we quieted down.

// Eleven //

I forced a laugh for Will's joke. He was really trying to cheer me up. I felt bad. I just missed Mike.

Today we were going school shopping.

Joyce took me along with her and Will to get our supplies. I already got a bunch of new clothes.

We walked through the store, looking at everything. We picked out different things we would need, like pencils and notebooks. I didn't understand why we needed all of this, but I'm not one to judge since I've never been to school before.

Joyce was looking at me. She walked over, telling Will she'd be back in a second.

"El... are you okay honey?" She asked, worried.

I forced a smile. "Yeah, of course!"

She raised her eyebrows and then sighed. "El, you're going to see him so much you're going to get sick of him in a week."

I raised my eyebrows innocently.

"Whoever are you talking about?"

My language vocabulary, I was happy to say, had grown a lot in the past year. I wanted to learn a lot before school started and even before that Hopper had taught me words. I also learned a lot of basic math and history, as well as other subjects. I would still be behind, but I'm a fast learner, and I thought I would be okay.

Joyce rolled her eyes playfully. "You know who. Don't play dumb."

I sighed. "Okay okay. I know I know, it's just I miss him so much, and I haven't seen him in a week, which isn't that long but," I cut off abruptly and slapped my hand over my mouth.

I felt horrible. I forgot that Joyce had lost the person she loved, and not just for a week. Bob was gone forever.

* I'm sorry you guys, it's so sad but I had too!!

Joyce smiled sadly. "It's okay honey."

I shook my head. "It's not. It's not. I'm sorry."

She crushed me in a hug and I breathed in her comforting scent.

Will came around the corner. His eyebrows raised as he saw us, and he slowly backed away.

Joyce and I laughed together, and then we finished our shopping.

Thanks for reading! I have short chapters but I try to update a lot, so I hope it's okay. See ya tomorrow and make sure to check out my other stories to keep you busy!

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