-Chapter Two- At the Hospital

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Hermione and Ron did not come back until morning so Teddy and Victoire had already given the children breakfast.

"Thank you both so much for your help last night," Hermione said as she helped herself to coffee.

"Did you find out what happened?" Teddy asked in an undertone. Rose had stopped eating and was gawking at the adults while Hugo dropped his gaze to his plate of toast and eggs.

"Definitely copycats," Ron replied.

"Not in front of the children." Hermione said in a tone that clearly said that was final. Ron shrugged and ran a hand through his son's hair. Hugoflinched and Ron frowned at his child.

"What's wrong, Hu?"Hugo shrugged and left the table, leaving his toast untouched.

"He kept having nightmares." Victoire murmured.

"He wet the bed at one point." Teddy added.

"Oh not again..."Hermione sighed softly.

"He'll be alright. It was a traumatic event having all that happen. And his cousin was injured." Ron said, placing a hand on Hermione's shoulder.

"Speaking of which, I need to go see my Grandma. Make sure she's alright."

"Well, we heard that Lilly is going to be fine. She'll be on bed rest for a day or two but she'll be alright." Hermione told them as Teddy rinsed out his cup and placed it on the draining board.

"Okay, we'll see you guys later." Hermione and Ron waved them goodbye, said thank you once more than Teddy and Victoire left. They walked just beyond the boundaries of the house, checked left and right for any muggles then disapparated.

They reappeared in an alleyway off St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.Teddy led the way to the Purge and Dowse Ltd shop where he leaned up against the window.

"Teddy and VictoireLupin, here to see Andromeda Tonks and Lily Potter." The glass rippled and both of them stepped through to the busy hospital.

"Teddy! Victoire!"Charlie Weasley walked up to them. He shook hands with Teddy and hugged Victoire.

"Alright, Uncle Charlie? You visiting Lily?"

"I popped in to see her quickly but thought I would stay with Andromeda. Make sure she was okay."

"Oh thank you! How is she?" Teddy asked.

"She's sleeping. She's had a few potions but she's alright. The healer said she can go home today."

"Oh good." Teddy sighed in relief, running a hand through his turquoise hair.

"What floor are they both on?" Victoire asked.

"Fourth-" BeforeCharlie could say anymore, Ginny appeared almost out of thin air.

"Teddy, Vic, it's good to see you both. Are you here to see Andromeda?"

"Yeah and we thought we would pop into see Lily too of course."

"You're lucky, they'rein the same wing. I'll take you there myself shall I?" They said goodbye to Charlie who was going back to Romania and Ginny led them to the wing. The Spell Damage wing was bustling with healers and patients. Ginny led them to the beds side by side. True to Charlie'sword, Andromeda was asleep but Lily was sat up in bed with her brothers beside her. They were examining chocolate frog cards.

"Teddy! Victoire!"Lily crowed as they approached.

"Hey, kid. How are you?"Teddy hugged Lily.

"I'm okay now." Teddyperched on the end of his grandmother's bed while Victoire drew up a chair with her wand and sat down on it.

"How's Hugo and Rose?"Ginny asked.

"They're a bit shook which is to be expected," Victoire replied.

"Harry has been working overtime to figure this out. There is to be a trial in a week. No one was killed though so we're all a bit confused as to why this even happened."

"Death Eaters?" Teddy asked.

"No. We're certain they aren't Death Eaters. No Dark Mark for a start. Not to mention that they were too young and too inexperienced." Ginny looked away, noticed that her children were paying attention and changed the subject to the honeymoon.

"What are you guys going to do now? Are you still going?"

"Don't see the point with what's been happening. I might be needed. Better stay close to home just in case."

"And we can always have a minimoon some other time," Victoire added.

"Have you guys even been home yet?" James asked.

"Nope." Teddy yawned.

"We came straight here once Hermione and Ron got back," Victoire explained.

"You should really make sure you get some sleep." Ginny told them sternly.

"Ginny, I'm twenty-two years old. I'm not a child anymore." Teddy smirked.

"I can still ground you. You're still my godchild. I have authority."

"Yes, mother." Teddy rolled his eyes at her. James, Lily and Albus all looked over atGinny as if expecting her to start yelling but Ginny just smiled atTeddy lovingly. She treated him like a son even if she was onlyGodmother by marriage. As a result, they were disappointed in this.

Around lunchtime, Harry came to visit looking just as exhausted as Teddy and Victoire felt.Andromeda and Lily got discharged at this time so they all got to go home. They parted ways outside of the hospital where the Potters were going to get the Knight Bus home and Teddy and Victoire went back down their alleyway where they disapparated. They landed outside of their home near the Weasley home, the Burrow in Ottery St Catchpole.Unlike the Burrow, the new Lupin home was a simple cottage with a master bedroom, a smaller bedroom and a guest room, a library, a living space, a kitchen, a bathroom, a dining room and a games room.

"This looks fantastic."Victoire said in delight. Teddy smiled, remembering that she had not yet seen his home which he himself had made with magic whilst she had been in her final year at Hogwarts School.

"I'm glad you think so." Teddy said, sweeping Victoire off her feet and into his arms.She squealed in surprise.

"It's tradition." He smiled at her as they walked through the door. He placed her back down on her feet in the hallway where she wandered through each room, exploring. As a Ravenclaw, she delighted in the library. Eventually, she wandered into their shared bedroom.

"It's beautiful." She whispered.

"I'm glad you like it."Teddy whispered into her ear, brushing her hair back. She turned slightly to face him and linked her hands behind his neck so as to pull him closer.

"I love it." She corrected him. Teddy pressed his lips to her neck and she bit her bottom lip gently.

"We still need to christen this bed you know." He murmured against her skin.

"Do we now?" She giggled.

 "Yep, we do." He smiled at her laugh, the sweetest sound to his ears as he picked her up again and threw her onto the bed. She laughed as she rolled and crawled up the sheets towards her. She kissed him, both of them forgetting they needed sleep, only craving each other.

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