-Chapter Six- A Furry Problem

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The first week held new wonders for Lena, new to magic. She enjoyed all her classes, the exception maybe being History of Magic due toProfessor Binns' endless rambling. However, she found herself eager to read, eager to learn. She and Marcus spent their evenings doing their homework even if it wasn't due until the next week.

The next Monday at breakfast, Lena was unsurprised to find the family owl amongst the other owls. A barn owl called Wolf (family joke) was there. He held out his leg and Lena took the letter.

Our dearest Lena,

We hope your lessons are going well. We were so proud to hear you became a Ravenclaw, well done darling.

It is definitely quiet here without you. We miss you loads.

Have you made any new friends? Have you seen Lou at all? Or Fred Jr? Make sure they're being nice to you.

We want you here for Christmas if you can make it. Your great grandmother is making a family meal at the Burrow and everyone is going to be there. I don't think your Uncle Percy will be because he'll want to stay at Hogwarts for everyone not going home. Maybe you could invite one of your new friends? Yet again maybe not. Poor Molly will have a lot to do.

Send a reply with Chico and let us know how you are. -Mama

Lena, just a quick side note. I miss you and will see you at Christmas. I've spoken to your Uncle Percy about our little furry problem. He seems to understand and will make sure the staff are aware and will also help you if there are any.. Issues. There shouldn't be, we haven't had any problems before but you never know. Go to Madam Abbott if there is anything. She'll take care of you. It also seems that Percy is more than willing to make the potion we've discussed. I think he's put a batch aside for you. Make sure you take it and please don't forget.

Lots of love, Dad.

Mama, Dad,

I've made lots of new friends here. I've got a friend called Josh Davies in Gryffindor, a friend called Marcus King who is in Ravenclaw with me and a few others as well. Everyone is dead nice, the exception being some Slytherins! My classes are fascinating and I think I'm doing well. I'll definitely be home for Christmas. I think everyone else is going to their own homes as well. I'm not going to discuss any of my problems with a letter, I don't trust the Slytherins to not try and find out themselves about it. Hope everything is all well there.

Love Lena

The months flew by. At the end of each month, Lena struggled with sleep. She suffered deeply from insomnia and tossed and turned during the night, not eating properly. Marcus asked her what was wrong, noticing she was falling asleep at her desk and noticing that she was not eating properly. It was not until the third night of the last week in September when this was picked up by her teachers. She suspected it had been James that had reported it to her Uncle Percy. On Thursday morning, a letter was delivered to her with the other post owls. It looked like a school owl. She unattached the letter from its leg and it flew off back to the owlery. She frowned and opened the scroll.

Miss Lupin,

I wish to see you in my office today after you have had your breakfast. Your head of house will bring you.

Percy Ignatius Weasley, Headmaster.

Lena rolled her eyes in annoyance. She scrunched the paper up and pulled out her wand.

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