-Chapter Thirteen- Birthday

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"Happy Birthday, Lena," Marcus shyly handed over a wrapped parcel. Lena unwrapped it to reveal a box of sweets. "It's the half I took from the Hogwarts Express when you shared your food, remember?" Lena smiled at Marcus and threw her arms around him.

"Thank you, Marcus! That's really sweet of you." Lena rushed upstairs to place the box upstairs and then joined Marcus back in the common room. They walked down to breakfast together, discussing their Astronomy lesson that evening. In the Entrance Hall, Joshua was waiting for them.

"Lena! Happy Birthday." He handed over a present. She unwrapped it. Inside the wrappings was a book that was familiar to her, Hogwarts: A History Part One and Part Two. Part One was based before HarryPotter's birth, way before it. Hogwarts Part Two was based after it. She knew that because he was mentioned in some of the chapters as were a few other people she knew well.

"I know you really wanted it for your own copy," Joshua said with a smile.

"Thank you so much, Joshua!" She hugged Josh too. He hugged her back and the three of them went into the Great Hall. Lena and Marcus said goodbye to Joshua as he went to sit with the other Gryffindors. The pair then sat at the Ravenclaw table, discussing the books Joshua had bought as they tucked into a breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast. As they were eating, the post owls flew down. Lena was surrounded by five owls, a few that she recognised including Chico, Wolf, Molly and Arthur's owl, Hermione's owl, Ginny's owl and a borrowed owl. She unattached all the parcels and cards. Marcus helped her unwrap them all much to the curious eye of the students around them. Lena made a mental note again of who had bought her what. Chico had bought a present from Gabrielle and Appoline which was a book of French Magic Story Tales. Molly and Arthur had bought her a wand cleaning kit. Hermione had packed her owl with a parcel from herself and Ron (a diary that only opened and showed information to the owner), a shared parcel from Rose and Scorpius (a candle that never melted and flickered different coloured lights when lit) and a parcel from Hugo (a small light blue purse with an extendable charm in it to put plenty of objects in). Ginny had given a parcel from herself and Harry (a photo album of moving photographs), a parcel from Lily and Dante (a box of fudge from Scandinavia where Dante was from) and a parcel from Albus (a plain ring that changed colour depending on the moods around her). The borrowed owl had come from a post office and was from Bill and Fleur. They had sent her a soft blanket with a pattern of eagles on it which she presumed Fleur had done herself. This left Wolf which she knew would be the parcel from her parents. She unwrapped it to show a book she knew very well. The fairy tale book that was from Andromeda's house. Inside it was tucked a little note which said,

Your great grandmother wanted you to have this book when she passed. Take good care of it. Love Mama and Dad x.

Lena wiped a tear off her cheek.

"Are you okay?" Marcus had looked up from reading out a card from Appoline. Lena nodded.

"Yes, but we need to move all these up to the common room before lesson starts."

"Need any help?" Louis asked.

"Yesplease Lou..."

"That would be Uncle Lou to you." Louis corrected, teasingly as the three of them picked up the cards and the parcels. Louis waved his wand and the wrapping paper vanished. They made their way up to the common room. Unfortunately, once they were there, Lena had to make two trips with her arms full by herself because the boys could not go up the stairs. Once that was done, Lena and Marcus were about to leave for their first class when Louis stopped them.

"Hang on, Le. I've got you a present myself. And one from your Aunt Dominique." He handed out two wrapped boxes. Lena unwrapped the first one which was from Dominique. It was a box of Muggle sweets. Louis' present was a homework planner which shrieked out words of encouragement and motivation whenever it was opened.

"Thanks, Lou." Lena hugged her uncle. Louis hugged her back.

"Go take your presents upstairs and I'll see you later." Lena rushed upstairs, dropping the sweets on her bed and shoving the planner in her school bag. She then joined Marcus in the common room again. Louis had already left for his first lesson.

"Let's go to Charms," Lena said cheerfully.

All day, her various friends and professors wished her happy birthday. After Defence Against the Dark Arts (their second to last lesson but Astronomy was at eleven at night), Professor Potter stopped Lena. Marcus and Joshua waited for her by their desk.

"Happy Birthday, Lena." James hugged Lena tightly.

"Thank you, James." She said. He reached into a drawer of his desk and handed her two presents.

"One is from me and the other is from your Uncle Percy's family. Audrey, Molly Jr and Lucy all pitched in." Lena unwrapped the one from Percy. It was a homework kit including spell checking quills, grammar correction quills and an eraser that rubbed out any markings. The present from James was a packet of hair slides with butterflies that magically flapped their own wings.

"Oh wow, they're so pretty! Thank you!" Lena hugged James. He smiled and hugged her back.

"You're most welcome. Now you had best go and get some homework done. It may be your birthday and it may be Friday but your essay needs finishing for Tuesday."

"Will do." Lena scooped up her presents and left with Joshua and Marcus.

They stopped by the Ravenclaw tower first so Lena could drop off her presents. Joshua and Marcus waited outside for her and they went down to the library together until dinner time.

After dinner, Lena and Marcus went straight to the common room. Lena started on her thank you notes and Marcus started on their Defence Against the Dark Arts essay. At around ten, Chico tapped on the window. There was a cry of delight and surprise at the noise which broke the otherwise silent room. Lena saw it was Chico and rushed to let him in. He waited patiently for Lena to untie the parcel from his leg and then flew around the room while the other students watched and laughed.

The parcel was from George, Angelina, Roxanne and Fred Jr. She had already received their card from Fred at dinner so she knew the present was going to come sooner or later. The parcel was a skiving snack box from Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes. She laughed at it and placed it upstairs in her dormitory. She then joined Marcus again and continued to write thank you notes until it was almost time to go to Astronomy. Before she left, she caught Chico from out of the air (he chirped happily) and tied three of the notes to his legs. He flew off out of the open window after nipping her finger lightly. Lena then left with Marcus.

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