-Chapter Fourteen- Choas Over Easter

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In the second week of March, Gryffindor flattened Hufflepuff in the Quidditch match, making Ravenclaw and Gryffindor tied first for the Quidditch cup. The game was on for the last Quidditch match in the third week of may between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw but first was the match between Hufflepuff and Slytherin which meant either of the two houses could catch up. Tensions were high and made even higher due to the fact that the teachers had been forcing piles of homework upon each student as they all faced their exams. The Ravenclaws were particularly stressed about this and the common room was silent every night as they all studied. Despite the fact it was the Easter holidays, the teachers had not been kind and let them all take a break. The workload was so heavy that many students chose to stay at Hogwarts for the holiday. This included Marcus, Joshua and Lena who studied in the library together. On the third day of the Easter holidays, Marcus and Lena were sat together at the Ravenclaw house table when the post owls arrived. Lena had two Easter Eggs, one from her parents which was made of white chocolate and one from her Great Grandmother, Molly which was the size of a dragon egg and had a bag of Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans inside. Marcus watched her examine the packaging with a sad expression. She caught his sad gaze and smiled at him, offering the one from Molly.

"Happy Easter, Marcus!" Marcus' eyes widened.

"You're not serious? I can't take that! It's yours!" Lena pushed the egg towards his surprised hands.

"I can't eat both." She said with a shrug. Marcus stared at the egg in awe as Lena fed Chico some bacon rinds. Chico nipped her fingers then flew off. As Chico flew off, Damien Lucke slipped into the seat opposite them. He threw a newspaper in front of them as he ran a hand through his dark brown hair. Lena read the name of the newspaper upside down. The Daily Prophet.

"What's this?" Marcus asked Damien. Damien turned the newspaper to face them. Both Lena and Marcus looked down at the front page.


TheMinistry of Magic today issued a statement confirming the death of three magical families across Britain. The first attack was Muggleborn father Jonathan Straw, muggle wife Jessica Straw, their first born child Stephenie aged six years and their youngest child John aged three years. The second attack was half-blood father Caiden Harvey, pureblood wife Lauren Harvey and only child Kasey Harvey aged nine years. Finally, the most recent attack was last night and included the death of the Anderson family. Minister of Magic worker and muggle born Edward Anderson, his wife Matilda Anderson and child Luke Anderson, aged eleven years were killed by the Killing Curse in the late hours of the evening, leaving youngest child Susie Anderson aged five years who is still alive but in critical condition at St Mungo's Hospital. Due to the frightening increase of deaths over the monthly period, Minister of Magic, Hermione Granger-Weasley has stepped forward last night with a statement.

'There seem to be no links between the families apart from their magical heritage. We beg of the magical community to remain calm but vigilant. Harry Potter, head of the Auror office, will be heading up this investigation and any information related to these horrible and cruel killings will be investigated.'

Lena had read quite quickly and she looked up at Damien in alarm.

"Luke Anderson?" She cast a quick glance around the Hall. The majority of the students were quiet but none like the Gryffindor table. Joshua, Adrian and Jack were talking with their heads together and the plates and goblets in front of them foodless and drink less. Imogen, Amelia and Paisley were also sat with the Gryffindor first year boys but all three were not talking. Imogen and Paisley were holding hands, Amelia was looking down into her goblet. Tears on her cheeks sparkled in the hovering candlelight.

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