-Chapter Seven- The First Quidditch Match

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After that episode with her Uncle Percy, Lena was forced into the hospital wing by Madam Abbott who was a woman with greying hair and a bright yellow uniform with a white pinafore. She was alone there, the curtains were drawn around her bed. Madam Abbott gave her some food for lunch, gave her a sleeping draught and she slept all day until she got woken up again by Madam Abbott and had more food for dinner. Another sleeping draught, she was out for the night. In the morning, Madam Abbott gave her a tray of toast, scrambled eggs, orange juice and the goblet, promised by her Uncle Percy. Lena ate and drank, leaving the goblet until very last. She then drank it up and left the hospital wing, dressed back in her school robes. She felt much more awake and happier than she had the day before. Her classwork was much better and Marcus looked happy to see Lena happy.

Lena decided taking her potion was important in order for her friends and the staff members to be safe, that was her duty. She, therefore, took it the next month, the week before All Hallow's Eve and could fully appreciate the Halloween decorations around the castle of live bats, floating lit pumpkins and garlands of mini dancing skeletons that moved by themselves. The Great Hall Halloween dinner had fun entertainment of the Headless Hunt parading in and showing off with games of Headless Polo.

The weeks flew by and Lena's grades improved dramatically, taking the high expected standards the came with being a Ravenclaw. She and Marcus were doing homework almost every night but it was in November that the first Quidditch match was held between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Lena was not too familiar who the players were but knew that the Ravenclaws usually took sides with the Gryffindor supporters during the matches between Gryffindor and Slytherin. It was therefore in a seat within the stands next to Joshua and Marcus that Lena watched the first match of the year. The commentary was being led by a fourth-year student. Lena watched in surprise as someone very familiar stepped onto the pitch. Fred Weasley Jr was walking up the pitch to take his position, broomstick in hand.

"Fred is part of the team? I didn't know that!" Lena cried out to Joshua in surprise, over the cheers and whoops of the Gryffindor supporters around them.

"He's a beater. And the other one is a guy called Tom Lorde." Joshua shouted back. They all watched as Madam Hooch, their first year Flying teacher and the referee had the team captains shake hands. The whistle was blown and all of the players flew skywards. Lena had watched her family play Quidditch occasionally. She had a go herself every now and again but did not enjoy flying on a broomstick as much and preferred to watch the action. She watched the players, seeing easily who was who despite the heavy winds.

"And it's Chaser of Gryffindor, Robert Finn with the Quaffle! Passes onto Chaser Eliza Cuthaway, Cuthaway races towards the goal.... and scores! Ten nil to Gryffindor!" Lena cheered with the rest of the Gryffindor supporters as the Slytherin team took possession of the Quaffle. Lena saw Fred swing his bat at a Bludger and aimed. The ball whistled through the air and knocked the back of the Slytherin chaser's broomstick, blowing him off course and dropping the Quaffle which was caught by dark-haired Eliza. The game continued until with a sudden cry of excitement at the forty-thirty to Gryffindor mark, when both seekers for the teams dived for the ground.

"And it's seeker for Gryffindor, Daisy Jordan who catches the Snitch! Gryffindor wins!" Lena jumped to her feet, clapping and whooping. The other Gryffindor supporters were going mad as Daisy Jordan flew back down to the ground, the golden Snitch raised in the air for all to see. Joshua hugged Lena and Marcus hard and laughing and cheering still, they all made their way out of the stands and towards the castle.

"Congratulations, Josh." Marcus said, clapping him on the back.

"Josh! Party up in the common room!" Amelia Lovett, a Gryffindor first year called to him. Joshua waved bye to Lena and Marcus and they went their separate ways, Lena and Marcus to the Great Hall for lunch.

"Well, that was nice and quick." Marcus approved as they sat at the Ravenclaw table and helped themselves to sandwiches.

"Twenty minutes. When's our match?"

"Hufflepuff versus Ravenclaw, next week," Louis told them, sitting on the bench opposite them. He had dark circles under his eyes and Lena remembered with a leap of her heart that he too would have to take Wolfsbane Potion due to the fact that his father was Bill Weasley, a contaminated werewolf. However, he looked fine apart from that, hungry though as he stuffed two cheese and ham sandwiches into his mouth.

"Busy day?" Marcus asked with a raised eyebrow as he watched Louis. Louis wiggled his eyebrows at them, making Lena giggle.

"You have no idea. Missed the match but it sounds like Gryffindor won."

"With one hundred and ninety points," Lena told him.

"Not bad. We would need something higher than that in order to overtake them. But our team hasn't failed us yet." Louis pointed out the grouping towards the other end of the table. They all had their heads together whispering.

"The captain and chaser, Isaac Porter, chasers Brody Truman and Ellie Ledger, Miaa Heath who is seeker, the keeper Xavier Emerson and beaters Russell O'Mile and Nicholas Wiley." Louis pointed the heads out. Lena looked curiously. None of them was eating but there was a sheet of parchment in front of them. Isaac, a tall and lean, pale and blonde haired guy was holding a quill and scribbling notes onto the parchment. Miaa, a girl with long blonde hair had a book open and kept examining it.

"Do the Ravenclaw team use a lot of theory in their practices?" Lena guessed. Louis smiled sheepishly.

"Almost always." He picked up two more sandwiches then left the table.

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