-Chapter Twelve- Dirty Play

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Lena was relieved to be back in Hogwarts. It seemed so normal. The professors eyed her up with concern and some took her aside to ask her if she was alright but she mostly just shrugged it all off. She had known Andromeda enough to know that she would not be happy to see Lena upset. In some ways, it was mainly thanks to Marcus and Joshua that she was much happier. Everyone around her knew when she was better because her hair and eyes finally changed colours toward the end of January. She turned her hair waist length and coloured pastel purple and her eyes became grey. Lena became a part of the normal routine and felt very comfortable in it.

On the seventh day of February, Lena woke up with the other Ravenclaws in anticipation. It was the Quidditch match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin. Ravenclaw was currently in the lead for the Quidditch cup by ten points. Gryffindor was a strong team and quite quickly catching up. Last on the scoreboard was the Slytherins. They would be playing hard today.

"Well this should be interesting," Marcus said as they walked into the Great Hall. The Slytherins were booing at every Ravenclaw that came in. The Ravenclaw team were already there, eating breakfast. Lena and Marcus sat by themselves at the table, talking about exam timetables while helping themselves to pumpkin juice and bacon. The Ravenclaw team got up to leave and Lena and Marcus applauded them while the Slytherins booed again.

"This is going to be a good game," Joshua said, sliding onto the house bench next to Lena. Marcus, opposite them, nodded.

"The Slytherins are going to be determined to get some points. They have this match and the match against Hufflepuff to win some more points and get higher up the scoreboard."

"What about the tactics for the Ravenclaw team?" Josh asked with a sly twinkle in his eye. Lena nudged him in the ribs which Josh dodged.

"Like we would tell you. You're a spy for the Gryffindor team." Josh shrugged, taking a piece of bacon off Lena's plate.

"It was worth a try." The Slytherin team had now left the Great Hall so students were starting to make their way to the Quidditch pitch. The three friends stood up.

"Let's go," Josh said cheerfully.

"Hang on," Lena took off her Ravenclaw scarf and wrapped it aroundJoshua's neck. Marcus sniggered. Lena couldn't help smirking as she said, "NOW you can sit with the Quidditch house winners." They bantered like this as they continued to walk up to the stands.Eventually, they took their seats. As per usual, Joshua was not the only Gryffindor to side against the Slytherin team. The atmosphere was electric. The Ravenclaw team would need some points in this match but the main aim was to keep on top of the scoreboard. If they could not do that, Gryffindor would overtake them in their match. However, the game was played dirty. Clearly, the Slytherin players were not taking any chances in order to move out of the bottom spot. The Ravenclaw keeper, Xavier was knocked out by a Slytherin beater's bat which gave the Ravenclaw team a penalty which they took and scored. However, with no one guarding the goalpost, the Slytherin team was scoring goals with much more ease. The game ended after two hours and a half of pure cheating when Miaa caught the Snitch. However, the Slytherin team had caught up on the overall scoreboard. The game had ended with a Ravenclaw win of two hundred and fifty with Slytherin's score of two hundred. The Gryffindors were devastated. The Slytherins were now in second place to win the Quidditch cup. Nevertheless, theRavenclaws were ecstatic.

"Four hundred and fifty points!" Louis crowed as he raised his butterbeer bottle in a toast. The Ravenclaw team were injured, exhausted and concerned over Xavier who had to stay in the hospital wing overnight due to a concussion. This did not dampen the house spirits though.

"Bet Joshua is fuming," Marcus said to Lena as the pair sat together at a pair of beanbags near one of the bookshelves, watching Louis and some other sixth years messing around, setting off magical fireworks. Josh had indeed been somewhat down heartened as he removed Lena's scarf from around his neck and handed it back to her when they departed for their own common rooms.

"Ah well. The Gryffindors have a match with Hufflepuff next. They'll probably beat Slytherin then. They're not too far behind as it is." The party continued on until nine at night when the Ravenclaw team went to bed and the other Ravenclaws decided this was where the party ended. Lena and Marcus said goodnight to one another and parted ways as well.

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