-Chapter Eighteen- Missing

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The disappearance was reported in the evening Daily Prophet. The curfew was even tighter, a seven 'o' clock timing to be exact. Prefects were instructed to ensure this curfew and to take shifts in patrolling corridors with teachers and the head boy and girl. The school broke up for the summer holidays on the weekend that the news had broke. Lena had to spend her time being stared at by people. Percy had informed her that Nathan and herself were to be split up for a little while until such a time as safety was secured. Nathan's godparents were a friend of Victoire's, Alice Francine Longbottom who was the daughter of Professor Neville Longbottom and Alice's husband, Jacob Howard Smith, who Lena had met once or twice. There was some debate to this as Alice and Jacob were only too willing to take Nathan but Neville had some doubts. Alice and Jacob both worked in the Auror department alongside Teddy so both were able to defend themselves. After some debate, Alice and Jacob agreed to move to a secret house in order to better protect Nathan. Lena had no decided godparents. At the time of her birth, Teddy and Victoire had seen no reason to give her godparents. As a result, it was decided that Lena should go live with Harry and Ginny Potter. Harry was the head Auror so Lena would be under secure protection there.

Marcus and Joshua were extremely kind to Lena over the rest of the school term. They had to stay indoors but they played endless games of wizard chess and exploding snap in the library until Madam Pince drove them out, much to their amusement. Finally, it was time to go home. Only Lena would not be going to her home. She had read and reread her parents' letters over and over again until she could almost read them off by heart. Her heart seemed to ache all the time. Marcus and Joshua helped her to forget but she would remember at night and cry herself to sleep. She was terrified, scared and alone.

The Hogwarts Express had a few teachers and Aurors on it. Lena was hugged tightly by Ron Weasley, her great-uncle when she got on the train. He joined her in their compartment, shaking hands with Marcus and Joshua.

"What are you doing about this situation?" Joshua asked Ron as the train moved out of Hogsmeade station.

"Honestly, we're trying to find leads right now. Our information is so little...No witnesses. No survivors. Those who do survive are too young to inform us of any information. This seems to represent the Dark times when I was in school so we believe these are copycat Death Eaters."

"How do you know it's copycat killers? How do you know it's not the real thing? A rebirth of Lord Voldemort or something?" Joshua pressed.

"We have a very reliable source." Ron glanced at Lena who smiled a halfhearted smile. Ron then changed the topic to their exams. They played a few more games of Exploding Snap before they got to London. When they got to Platform Nine and Three Quarters, Ron helped Lena with her trunk while she had Chico in his cage. They went through the barrier together. Waiting on the other side was Harry and Ginny Potter. Marcus and Joshua watched in amazement, embracing their own families, as Lena was hugged by first Harry and then Ginny.

"Was it weird being back on the Hogwarts Express?" Harry teased Ron. Ron shrugged with a smirk.

"A bit. Reminded me of the good old times." Both Harry or Ginny could respond, Marcus and Joshua sneaked over. Lena looked at both their families. Joshua's dad was an exact copy of him and his mum was a pretty blonde woman who looked smart and prim. Marcus had his mum there too and she looked a lot like him too.

"You'll write to us over the summer?" Marcus checked with Lena as he hugged her tightly, casting glances at Harry and Ron.

"Definitely,"Lena said as she hugged him back and then Joshua.

"And maybe we can come visit," Joshua added. Lena smiled because he was staring at Harry and Ron as he spoke.

"That would be nice."

The families shook hands and greeted one another, making introductions. They all left King's Cross Station together. Lena had a slight hope in her heart. Maybe Marcus and Joshua would help her through the loss of her parents. Maybe she would be okay. With that thought, she turned away from her magical world and into the Muggle realm.

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