Ch. 20

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The next morning, I walked outside. I loved feeling the gentle breeze brush past my arms, and the sun shine down on my skin.

The cell blocks were always pretty cold.

I heard the growling of the walkers become louder as I started walking closer to the fence.

I noticed one of them used to be young, like me and carl. She had very long hair. I felt bad that so many young children, and innocent people have died.

I suddenly heard footsteps come from the other side of the fence. I turned my head to to left, and I saw a gun pointed at the side of my head.

I was re-living my dream. the only difference, was that I was in Carl's place. I let one tear escape.

I avoided eye contact, and remained silent. I really needed someone to come save me.

"You just gonna stand there..." the governor said. I didn't move, or say a word.

"Carter!" I heard Glenn shout. I was dead. I knew I would die.

Rick came out of the main cell block, and immediately put his hands up. "we don't want any trouble..." he said.

The governor slowly put the gun down, and Rick put his up. at that very moment, I ran.

The governor shot at me. I felt pain shooting up my leg each step I took. I was still injured from the first time I was shot.

I looked back and saw some blood on the concrete of the entrance of cell block D.

I looked down at my leg, and saw I was shot... again. I didn't feel much pain, but knew I was losing a vast amount of blood.

Daryl carried me inside, and a few seconds later, I blacked out.


*carl's P.O.V.*

I ran towards the direction I heard gunshots. I turned around the corner, and saw Hershel taking a bullet out of Carter's leg.

Why does she kept getting hurt? Is she okay? questions were running through my mind, and I didn't know if I would have the answers to them.

I need to be there for her... And protect her, and so far, I've been doing bad at that.

"Get the pain relieving meds." Hershel told me. I looked inside the satchels and bags until I found some.

I handed it to Daryl, and he gave it to carter. I could feel my eyes tearing up at the sight of her blood.

"It isn't a clean wound. it's jagged around the edges, and effected some nerves. That's why she was able to continue running, and only felt slight numbing." Hershel told us.

"What happened?!" Beth asked. Hershel silently explained it to her, as Daryl pulled me aside.

"You ok?" he asked. "I just wish I would have been there for her." I sighed.

"She's a special girl... and she's very tough." he said. "yeah. she's survived many injuries." I told him.

"Make sure you are good to her." he whispered. "I will." I responded.

"She's a special little lady... isn't she?" he said.

"Why do you keep asking so many questions?" I chuckled. "just curious." he chuckled as well.

I walked to my cell, hoping Carter would soon be on her feet again.


*author's note*

Shoutout to @geekydreamer000

If you want a shout out, all you need to do is message me, or comment.

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Xoxoxo -twdchandler 💕

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