Ch. 19

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*Carter's P.O.V.

I woke up and saw Carl sitting on the end of my bed. he turned around and said "good morning... I think."

At first I didn't get it, but then I realized it was getting late. "hey carter.... can we talk?" he asked.

"Sure thing." I replied with a smile. "I want to know more about you. what you used to like, and what your favorite things were." he told me.

I said a simple "ok."

"I'm sorry if this is offensive... but I wanted to know why you were named carter." he said.

I honestly wasn't offended, so I answered him. "my dad wanted a boy... well, both of my parents wanted a boy." I said.

"Is that all you needed to know?" I asked. "yeah I guess..." he replied.

"It's getting late... I'm gonna go to sleep. see you in the morning." he said while giving me a hug. I hugged him back, and then he kissed my cheek.

I laid back down, and drifted to sleep.

*carter's dream*

"Stop!!!" I screamed as the governor pointed a gun at Carl's head.

"Say one more word and I'll shoot." the governor yelled. I kept my mouth shut, and thought of what I should do.

"Go! run Carter. I'll be fine..." Carl said trying not to cry. "that goes for you too boy, don't say another word, or you'll both be dead." The governor sneered.

I ran towards the governor screaming to let Carl go. he pulled the trigger, and Carl's lifeless body fell to the ground. I sunk down to my knees screaming and crying.

I turned around, and then a walker came up behind me. I tried to get away, but then realized I wanted to be with carl. I took one last look at his body, and then the walker took a bite of my neck.

*dream ended*

I woke up screaming in a pool of sweat. "Carter?!? are you ok?" Carl said while running into my cell.

"I'm fine, just a bad dream... a nightmare." I told him. Beth came into the cell with a tin cup halfway filled with room temp water.

She handed me the cup, so I drank the water and handed it back to her. "Tell me if you need anything, K?" she said.

I nodded, and then she walked back to her cell. "what was the dream about?" Carl asked.

"Well um..." I started to say. "you can tell me..." He said while putting his hand in my shoulder.

I didn't want to tell him the whole thing, so all I said was,"the governor."
"Oh." he said while standing up.

I gave him a tight hug, and then went back to sleep... for the third time.


*authors note*

Tell me what you thought of the dream! I would absolutely hate if chandler's character died on the show. I ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT WAIT UNTIL OCTOBER FOR SEASON FIVE TO COME OUT😭😖

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Shoutout to: @quotish
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