~Picture Perfect~

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Edited: August 16th 2018

Tally P.O.V

After dinner we went to the bowiling alley. "Ok how are we going to do this teams or no teams? "Max asked.
  "I don't really want to play" Judi said sitting down.
   "Me ethier"Jacky said sitting next to her.
  I rolled my eye's. "I guess it's just me and you green"

Max P.O.V

"I guess it is just me and you Green"Tally said.
   I smiled "get ready to get beat"
  In case you forgot I'm a Radke, We don't lose, we win. " Tally smirked.               

     I wish she was a green right now. " Well i hope you are ready for the world to see your body"I chuckled.
    We went down to the ally and sat down to put our shoes on. I got up and types our names into the computer. "Ladies first" I said.
   "Okay so go first" Tally said rolling her eyes.
    I held my hand to my chest acting hurt. "You know I'm a boy, you've seen my parts"
    "Shut up and go" she said rolling her eyes and laughing

I went first and knocked down all but one, then getting a spare. "Now do i suck still"I smirked.
   "step aside"Tally said shoeing me away.
  She grabed her ball and got a strike. She turned around and looked at me with that smirk on her face "Yes you do suck"

"Oh thats it, I am not geting naked for anyone" I said seriously.
  There was no one I could lose. After a round of bowling I lost. Tally has been bragging about it for the past 10 minutes and I have just been sitting here in shock. "Do you want to do the photoshoot tomorrow? "Tally asked.
  "No, 2 Out of 3" I said,
   "Sure but you'll lose again" Tally said shrugging her shoulders.

Tally P.O.V

After beating Max for the second timed I did a little victory dance. When I was done celebration I noticed that Jacky and judi weren't where we left them. That means the plan is in the works. "Max where is Judi and Jacky?"I asked.
  "I don't know let's go check the back, maybe they went for a smoke" Max suggested.
  I nodded my head. We went to he back and sure thing they were there, kissing. "Jack" I yelled.
  He pulled away quickly. " Tally let me explan-"Jacky said.

"don't, Just stay away from me" I cried cutting him off.
  I ran back inside with Max was right behind me. I sat down on the chair and started crying. Damn I'm good at this, give me my Grammy. I'm shocked myself, I'm starting to believe that Jacky really did hurt me even though this was all part of the plan. Max came next to me and hugged me. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Max, Do you want to know why I came on warped with Ronnie? So i could see you again."
  "Well Tally im glad you did because I have dying to do this"Max said leaning in closer to me.
   After what feels like forever I finally got to kiss Max again i though I would never get to kiss him again .When he kissed me it felt like i fell in love with him all over again.

Hi everyone i know this suck's but im in a hurry and i really wanted to update before i forgot my idea. Anyway's i want to know what to know what you think of this story. Also i am runing out of ideas and i need some ideas. So if you can please Coment and idea that would really help. And that chapter will be decied to you. So please comment vote and share it would really mean alot to me.


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