Chapter Two: Beta

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I smiled as I waved my staff around wildly.

Alpha watched as I wacked it against the concrete wall several times.

"Would you like to begin training?" Spot asked.

"Yeah! I wanna fight!" I bellowed excitedly.

I raced to the center of the room and held up my staff.

I watched as walls rose around me in maze form.

I instantly dropped the staff and started wandering around.

"Beta, It is recommended you use the staff," spot recommended.

"Nah. I'll be good. I'm a NINJA!" I screeched holding my hands up.

"Commencing Level one," Spot specified.


I saw a projection man run down a passage right in front of me.

"Hayah!" I cried jumping out and holding my ninja hands up.

"I'm gonna kill you random blue guy," I said excitedly.

"Go Betey!" I heard Alphie cheer me one.

I saw the man standing in front of me.

I ran and jumped, kicking one leg up.

My foot his his leg softly as I wildly thrashed my hands around.

"I WILL DESTROY ALL!" I screamed as I thrashed.

I felt a hand grab my arm.

The blue man raised the staff above his head.

"ALPHIE. STAFF ME!" I yelled.

I heard something clatter behind me.

I turned and saw the staff, and as the blue man brought the staff down I squirmed out of his grasp and attempted to cartwheel over to the light pink staff.

My legs hit the wall and sent me to the floor.

"ALPHIE I WAS SO CLOSE ILL SHOW YOU MY CARTWHEEL LATER!" I yelled as I lifted up the staff.

"Hayah! I am the king and you will bow down!" I declared excitedly.

I was out of breath as the man raced towards me.

I held the staff up and pointed it at him.

"I WILL DEFEAT THIS OPPONENT AND EARN THE HEART OF THE PRINCESS!" I bellowed loudly as I turned and ran trough the maze.

"I am not your princess," I heard Gamma.

"Not yet! Just you wait. When I beat this guy and do my cartwheel I'll be able to save you with my trusty steed!" I beamed as I sprinted through the maze.

"Yay I'm a horsie!" Alphie exclaimed.

"No. You're an ass," Gamma corrected.

"Hey! No mean words!" I laughed as I sprinted.

"What are you doing?! Stop the simulation," an angry voice bellowed.

"Yes, Chancellor," Spot sounded sad.

The maze walls were pulled into the floor and the blue man disappeared.

"Simulations are restricted until age ten. I already specified this. Not even Alpha is ten. Now go through the videos to train them. I don't need children getting hurt," Chancellor snapped.

I looked up at her and let my staff drop to the floor.

"I'm sorry," I looked down at my tiny sneakers.

"Don't make the same mistake," she sounded mean.

"Yes Chancellor," I agreed.

I heard her heels leave.

"Now it's time for me to show you my amazing cartwheel! Prepare to be amazed!" I threw my hands up and did a slow cartwheel.

I landed with my legs spread slightly on the ground.

"I can do a handstand. Bet you cat do a handstand," Gamma said smiling.

"I can do a handstand," I lied.

"Oh yeah? Then show me," she challenged.

My face turned bright red as I turned slightly and crossed my arms.

"I'm not in the mood," I held my chin up.

"You're not in the mood to do it because you can't. Simple as that," she snarled.

She stood from the rolled up training mat and leaned forwards into a handstand and held it for a few seconds before coming back down.

"Viola" she said with her hands in the air.

"Can you teach me to do a cartwheel?" Alphie looked at me hopefully.

"Sure! Just put your hands on the ground and swing your legs in the air then land and BAM cart wheel!" I raised my hands as if I had done one.

He nodded and stood up straight with his arms in the air.

As he came down her bent his legs and spring them into the air.

He balanced in the air with his bent legs for nearly a second before landing flat on his back.

"I did it!" He squealed.

" fell," Gamma crossed her arms.

"Well what did you think was gonna happen? I was gonna fly?" He asked rolling over.

I smiled and ran up to him, holding my hands up for a double high five.

He smacked his hands against mine and laced his fingers through mine.

"ALPHETA," he yelled.

"Yeah! ALPHETA!" I beamed in agreement.

"Wooh," Gamma said sarcastically doing a wave with her arms.


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