I was sitting on Zeta's bed as she finished cleaning her room.
"I've never known anybody who cleans on their way to die," I laughed to myself.
"Well maybe you should clean your room too. You wouldn't want Epsilon so have to do it would you?" She quizzed.
My heart reopened, a wound I had successfully closed reopened.
"What do you think it's like?" I asked softly.
Zeta took in a slow breath.
"I could tell you what I think it's like, or I could reassure you. Which would you prefer?"
"Reassure me. Please," I murmured.
"It's going to be warm and happy, and a sense of peace is going to wash over you. You're going to stand happily and watch Epsilon until he joins you, and you can both be together forever," she clearly lied, but it did help.
"It hurts to leave him. He's hardly able to take care of himself," I stood up and made Zeta's bed neatly.
"Yeah I understand the feeling. It's like... it's almost like we're adults who have to leave behind children for the weekend, except it's not just for the weekend," she helped me tuck in her grey comforter.
"Yeah. Even though we're not all the same age I feel like you, Iota, and I are... I don't know... more mature," I added.
She nodded.
"I can't imagine what's going to happen here without us. I hope they're okay, and I hope they get out," Zeta said quietly.
"I think... I do want to clean my room. I don't need Epsilon finding a bra or something. Imagine how many jokes he'd make," I lied to myself.
"Yeah. Want me to help you?" She asked quietly.
I bit my lip and nodded.
I was laying across the floor scribbling a quick note to Kappa.
"Hey Kapptain. If you're reading this, I'm gone. Hopefully not for long though. The robot isn't ready.... but it's close enough. It can hold enough of me to make it seem like I'm here. You just have to cancel the female I put in there and I should be there, waiting." I bit the eraser on the pencil and continued writing.
"I'll miss you. I think I will anyways. I don't know what it's like to be dead. Anyways if you find this go find Zeta's pendant and bring it to the government. They'll know what to do."
A single wet circle spread on the page and made a few letters smear.
"-Iota" I scribbled my name and signature.
"PS-" Why was I holding back. Why wasn't I telling him everything. Anything I could. It's not like I could be embarrassed from the grave.
"I love you," I added before folding the note up and tucking it under my blankets.
Hopefully he would make my bed and find it tucked away. I was relying on it.
I felt my face instantly turn bright red as I turned back to the little robot.
"Hey little me. Are you active?" I asked quietly.
"Of course I am. We're not a failure numbnuts," my voice retorted back at me.
I smiled slightly.
"Don't cry. Your face looks like a strawberry when you cry and you're already red from your man crush," the robot sneered.
"Jesus. I'm mean," I said clapping twice to shut the thing off.
I turned and looked at Kappa who was still sleeping in his bed.
I took a slow breath before yelling.
Kappa shot up in his bed and glared at me.
"Look I made a robot," I beamed excitedly.
"That's great. I'm going to train," Kappa snapped. He got out of bed and grabbed his training suit from the top bunk.
"What? Again? It's like you don't even have time for me anymo-" he slammed the door as he left.
"But... I'm not going to be around much longer..." I trailed off as a single tear dropped down my cheek.
"Cockblocked again," my annoying voice rang out from the tiny robot.
"Shut up," I sneered.
I was sitting in the jet. Sigma was across from me and Alpha was next to me. Beta was sitting diagonally.
I knew exactly how much time we had left.
I glanced down at my watch as it ticked down from a minute. I had planted a tiny bomb in the engine so that while we were over the safest place to land the engine would fail.
I also knew how much time was left for me.
I already felt weak from breakfast. Clearly they were trying to get rid of me quickly because I had felt fine last night.
Typical Chancellor. The very thing they serve us everyday to keep us alive will be the thing killing us.
I waited for the crash of the bomb, and the crash of the ship.
I would give my life for someone. Maybe the Bullet wouldn't kill me, but they wouldn't have time to bring me back. I already had the SOS code ready for the second the engine "failed" so that I would be the only casualty.
There was a war going on below us, and we would be shot at, suspected an enemy jet.
I heard the loud boom of the bomb in the engine and the shudder as the jet began to free fall.
I pressed the side of my helmet and cancelled all noise out.
In one hand was my pendant that held all the information needed to take this experiment down, and in the other, was a shield, so that I could die as I lived.
A hero.